My Eyes Only

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*Violet's POV*

When I wake up, I hear Kane's deep breathing coming through the phone. I usually wake up first on weekends so it's not a surprise. I sit up in bed and pull out a book to read while I wait for him to wake up.

Almost an hour later, I hear movement through the phone and then a clattering sound and then a muffled "Fuck." I stifle a giggle and then say, "Rough start?"

"Sorry darling, did I wake you? I knocked the phone onto the floor."

"No, I was already awake. I was just reading."

"I see. What time are you leaving?"

Sometime after lunch. Stella went home for the weekend, so my room is empty tonight."

"Okay, just text me when you're leaving and I'll meet you at your room, yeah?"

"Yeah. I can't wait to see you," I say with a smile. I can't even believe I'm leaving my father a day early to go see him, but it's like my whole body is screaming at me to go back to him.

"Me either. I'll see you later love. Drive safe."

"I will. Bye Kane," I reply and then hang up the phone.

When I walk into the kitchen my dad is already at the table, coffee and newspaper in hand. I grab amug and then join him at the table.

"Morning kiddo. It's too bad you have to go back today." I told him I had an assignment due that I need to work on. I feel terrible lying to him, but I need to go back to Kane. Neither of us was expecting this to be this hard.

"Yeah, it is." The look he's giving me makes me wonder if he really believed my story about the assignment. I don't usually hide things from my Dad, so he has no reason not to believe me but he also knows me very well. Well enough to be able to tell when I'm lying. Either way, I'm grateful he isn't pushing me to tell him anything because I can't.

After lunch, I pack my things and get on the road. When I reach campus and see Kane leaning up against his porsche, looking unnecessarily attractive in a leather jacket and beanie, my heart almost bursts out of my chest. I park and abandon my bag, once again running and jumping on him.

I don't even realize we're moving until I hear a door open and notice we're at the entrance to my building.

I pull my face back enough to say, "Kane, you can put me down. I have legs."

"Legs that will remain wrapped around me," he says as he continues walking through the building. I want to argue with him, but I can't bring myself to. At least the building is pretty much empty so there's nobody in the halls.

When we get to the room, Kane already has my key from my pocket and is unlocking my door. He walks us into the room, slams the door and locks it behind him and then lays me down on my bed. He starts peeling my layers of clothing off and says, "One day, we're going to move somewhere warmer so I won't ever have all these layers in my way."

I shiver at his words and my insides clench as he begins pulling his own clothes off. We're both breathing heavy and I literally cannot concentrate on anything other than Kane. My brain is no longer capable of rational thought and he's barely even touched me.

"Please Kane," I whimper as he looks down at me.

"Please what, darling?" He asks. I'm in no mood for teasing right now.

"I need you. Now. Please," I beg him.

"You're lucky I'm not feeling particularly patient today love," he says into my ear as his hand wraps around my throat. My God this is hot. As his other hand finds its way to my center, I attempt to squeeze my legs together to relieve the pressure.

"Don't do that baby. Let me take care of you," he says as he spreads my legs apart with his knees.

"Please," I say between breaths. As soon as the word leaves my mouth, I feel him push into me and my eyes roll back into my head. Fuck. I missed this. I'm so addicted to the feeling of him.

"Kane," I whimper as he pushes in and out of me. Both of us reach our peaks in record time. Clearly he struggled with the distance just as much as I did.

When he pulls out and lies down beside me, he pulls me into his chest, it feels like I've just come home.

"I missed you so much love," he tells me as he continues to hold me tightly.

"I missed you too."

"You missed me or my dick?" He jokes.

"Kane!" I say and feel my cheeks flush. I don't know why that embarrasses me after all the things we've done, but it does.

"You didn't answer the question Violet."

"Can I say both?" I say into his chest.

"Good answer. Shall we go get some food?" He asks me and, right on cue, my stomach grumbles. "I'll take that as a yes. Come, let's get dressed."

"Do we have to? Can't we just order something?" I say wrapping a leg around his.

"Of course we can. As far as I'm concerned, any plan that involves you not wearing clothes is a good one."

"Really? What if I suggested going streaking?" I ask with a smirk.

"You know what I meant. For my eyes only," he says into my ear. I shiver and feel my heart rate go up again. I don't even realize I'm squirming until I feel a hand on my hip.

"Already Violet? What am I going to do with you?" He says as he trails his hand down my hip and to my core.

"What about dinner?" I say breathlessly.

"It can wait 15 minutes. Let me make you feel good darling." I nod and then kiss him as his fingers soothe the ache building up inside me. He really does know exactly what to do with them to drive me crazy.

When I come down for the second time, I look up at Kane and he says, "I think that's enough for now. I don't need you falling asleep on me later," and then kisses me on the nose. "What do you want for dinner?" he asks me.

"Mmm, I'm kinda feeling pizza."

"Then pizza you shall have," he says and then gets up to retrieve his phone from his pants pocket. 

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