You Already Have Me

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*Kane's POV*

We sit there foreheads pressed together, just holding each other for I don't even know how long. I can't even believe she's still sitting here, let alone that she told me she loves me. It seems so impossible. But at the same time, for the first time in my life, I feel like maybe I might have a shot at climbing out of the miserable hell hole that is my life.

She pulls back and says, "So where do we go from here?"

"I have no clue."

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm not sure I could plan a meal at this point so I say we start with a strong drink right now and then actually start coming up with ideas tomorrow."

"I like this plan already," I tell her and place a quick kiss on her lips. She gives me a cute half smile and then says, "I love you," quietly.

"And I you."

She leans down, hugging me around the waist and snuggling her head into my chest. Suddenly she lets out an annoyed groan and says, "It's Saturday isn't it?"

"Yeah, so?"

"So there's a massive party happening here tonight."

"Darling, we don't have to go to every party. In fact, the only ones I even attend are the ones you drag me to."

"Yeah, but Stella is coming. I promised her we - well I - would go."

"I'm sure Stella would understand if you canceled."

"I know she would, but I would just feel bad about it the entire time. I hate being such a bad friend," she mumbles into my t-shirt.

I sigh and then reply, "You're way too nice for your own good, you know that right love?"

"Yes, I do. What time is it?"


"At least I have time to fix the mess that is my face at the moment."

"Your face isn't a mess."

"You can't even see it right now."

"I don't have to. You will always look perfect to me."

She pulls back and looks me in the eye with a smirk and says, "You know you don't have to use lines on me anymore. You already have me."

I look into her eyes, and even though they're red and filled with leftover tears, I can't think of anyone or anything more beautiful. "It's not a line. It's true," I reply, and I mean it. She is perfect all the time, even if she doesn't see it. And I plan on telling her that as often as I can.

"Alright, you're going to have to stop with that. I'm trying very hard not to cry some more right now and my emotional state is already compromised today. Plus, I believe we agreed on a drink," She says, crawling off of my lap.

"Yes, we did." I get off the bed and head to my desk drawer to grab the bottle of scotch I keep there. "I'll go get some cups," I tell her.

"Why bother?" she asks.

"Fair enough," I say and then pull the cap off and hand it to her. "Ladies first."

She smiles and takes a long swig and then hands the bottle back to me as I sit down. I put a movie on and we lie there for a while, passing the bottle between us.

After we've eaten dinner, we shower and Violet gets dressed and sits in front of the mirror on the back of my door to do her hair and put makeup on. Just as she sits down, there's a knock on the door.

"Vi? Can I come in?"

I guess Stella is early. Violet stands up and opens the door and Stella says, "Hey! How- oh my gosh, have you been crying? Are you okay? What did you do?" She accuses me, while pulling Violet into a hug.

"Nothing! He did nothing!" Violet tells her. "It's been a bit of a rough day for me, but it's not his fault." Guilt washes over me because it is my fault that she was crying. Everything is my fault.

She narrows her eyes at me and then turns back to Violet and says, "Why didn't you call me? We could have just ditched this stupid party."

"It's fine, Stella, really. It's been forever since we went to a party together and I've been a little...absent lately."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm already mostly ready and we already drank some scotch so..."

Stella smiles at her and says, "Alright, fine. At least let me do your makeup then."

Violet nods at her and then they both sit on the floor and Stella gets to work. She makes it look so complicated. We chat and drink some more and when Stella finally says, "Alright, you look perfect. No trace of tears remains."

"She looked perfect before," I say and Violet shoots me a glare before turning to Stella, gives her a smile and says, "Thank you. What would I do without you?"

We head downstairs and find that no actual guests have arrived here yet so we just hang out in the living room after mixing some drinks. I sit down on the couch and pull Violet onto my lap. After our conversation today, I feel an overwhelming urge to be as close to her as possible.

Stella sits down beside us and when Cole walks into the room he smiles and says, "Hello again. Stella right?"

Stella nods and says, "Yes, hi. I-um- I'm Stella. Wait, you already knew that. Sorry. Hi," she says and then looks away. I look over at Violet at the same time she looks at me and we both smirk at each other. I don't think I have ever seen Stella anything less than 110% confident.

Cole shoots her a grin and then takes a seat on one of the chairs.

"So, how about a game of king's cup while we wait?" Cole suggests and everyone mumbles their agreement.

Between Love and HateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang