He Hasn't Told Them

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*Violet's POV*

When Kane leaves, I quickly gather my things and head to the showers. When I get there, I shower in record time and up finishing at the same time as Stella so we walk back to the room together. When we get there, she turns around and says, "So? Was it good?!"

"Good doesn't even begin to describe it," I tell her and she squeals.

"Yes! I knew it! With that whole dangerous, moody, might kill you for looking at him sideways vibe he has going on, I knew he had to be good in bed."

I laugh and say, "What does that have anything to do with sex?"

"Trust me, the level-headed mentally stable guys are always boring in bed. It's just a fact of life. Guys who are hot, mentally stable, and awesome in bed do not exist. You can only have two out of the three."

I think about this and realize that so far her theory checks out. Jace is hot and mentally stable but definitely not good in bed, as I've recently discovered and Kane is hot and good in bed but definitely has issues that I know I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of.

"Wow, that's actually very enlightening."

"I know. This is my area of expertise. I've done my research," she says wiggling her eyebrows.

"So where does your most recent guy fall?"

"He's mentally stable and then kind of medium hot and mediocre in bed."

"Oh, there is middle ground too?"

"Yeah, it's kind of like a scale. Like if you have more of one thing, you have to sacrifice something else. It's not an exact science okay."

I laugh and reply, "We'll work on it."

We finish getting ready and then head to the cafeteria for breakfast before we split off to our respective classes. We meet up for lunch and then at the end of the day I head to my therapy session.

I talk to her about my break up with Jace, and she tells me that it seems like it was a good thing for me, and I 100% agree with her. She suggests that maybe holding on to him for so long was stopping me from fully moving forward to a new stage in my life. I don't mention Kane at all.

After that, Stella and I get dinner, I start some laundry because my bed sheets now need to be washed and then we study for a bit before I decide to call my Dad. I head outside and sit under a tree. I decide to not do a video chat, because I'm not sure I can control my expressions when he inevitably asks me about Jace.

The phone rings a couple times before he answers, "Hey kiddo. What's up?"

"Hey Dad. Not too much. I was just calling to let you know that I'll be coming home for a visit this weekend."

"That's great! Amelia and Preston mentioned this morning that they were hoping you and Jace would come for a visit soon." So I guess he hasn't told his parents yet.

"I, uh, I'm not coming with Jace, Dad."

"Oh, is he busy this weekend?"

"No. We, um, we broke up."

I hear silence from the other end of the phone for a few seconds before he says, "Are you alright? What happened?"

"I'm actually doing really well. I think we kind of just...outgrew each other. But don't mention it to Amelia and Preston. Clearly he hasn't told them yet."

"Okay, I won't. But are you sure you're okay? You guys were together a really long time and-"

"Yeah, Dad, I'm fine. Seriously. Stella has been there and I spoke to my therapist about it. It's time for me to move on."

"Okay kiddo. Well, if you need anything, you let me know."

"Yeah, I will. I'll see you Friday okay?"

"Yes, I can't wait. Love you Vi."

"Love you too Dad."

When I hang up the phone, I text Rebecca and tell her that I'll be coming up Friday and that we should hang out Saturday which she agrees to. I then head back to my room and Stella puts on the next episode of Sex and the City. She flipped out last week when I told her I had never seen it and she insisted we watch it.

After a couple episodes, I start yawning and realize how exhausted I am. I remake my bed and then crawl in, although I find myself missing Kane's body heat in the bed with me.

The next day, my classes go by slower than usual because I'm just excited to go see Kane again. This seems ridiculous though because Jace and I did long distance for a whole year and I didn't miss him as much as I currently miss Kane after one day.

When I walk up to my dorm and see Kane leaning up against his car smoking a cigarette, I smile and say, "How long have you been waiting there?"

"Not even 5 minutes. Come on, let's go grab your stuff," he says and stomps out the cigarette. When we get to the room and close the door he says, "If you want, you can stay at the frat house with me tonight."

"Really? Won't they ask questions?"

"No. They know better. Besides nobody there knows who you are, or how we know each other so it doesn't really matter."

"Yeah, okay, I'll pack a bag," I say with a smile. After my bag is ready, I text Stella to tell her that I'm not going to be in the room tonight and she replies with a bunch of winking face emojis and an eggplant. I laugh at this and then I change into my gym clothes and we head out. 

Between Love and HateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ