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*Kane's POV*

After breakfast, we take a shower and then pull out our laptops to study, awaiting the inevitable phone call we're going to receive today. We both keep checking our phones and I'm a little surprised when it's lunch time and we still haven't received anything.

We go down to the restaurant and I'm glad to see that Violet is doing better than she did with breakfast. It takes her a while to do it, but she finishes most of her food. If last night caused her to relapse, I would never be able to forgive myself.

We head back up to the room, and just as I open my laptop, my phone buzzes and I see Heather's name pop up. I answer it on speaker phone.


"Kane," Heather sobs through the phone. "Something awful has happened."

"What is it?"

"It's your father. He- He's dead." This is the part where my acting skills are really going to be tested.

"What?! How?"

"They're saying he committed suicide. I found him this morning in the guest house. There was a note. It said some awful things Kane. You need to come home."

"Yes, of course. I'm on my way."

"Thank you. Can you get Violet too? I'm going to call her now."

"I, uh, I'm actually with her, right now."

"You are?"

"Yes. We, er, we went to lunch." Part of this plan hinges on our alibi being each other so now is also when we'll have no choice but to tell our family (well, Violet's family) about us. Although I suppose technically we're no longer step-siblings.

"Oh, okay then."

"Right, we'll be there soon." I hang up the phone and look at Violet and say, "You ready for this?"

She nods and then we pack our bags and head down to tell the front desk to check out early. We then get in my car and drive to my fathers house for the second time in 12 hours.

When I pull up out front, there is a cop car in the driveway and I swallow down any nervousness that I threatens to come up. We have to keep up pretenses so as soon as I stop the car, we both jump out and run towards the house.

When we open the door, Violet says, "Mom?" and then Heather rounds the corner from the kitchen. Even though there are tears running down her face, it's clear she did her hair and makeup at some point today and is dressed to go out somewhere.

"Violet!" She says and runs up and hugs her daughter. Violet's eyes shift to me and she says, "Mom, what happened?"

"It was so awful! I woke up alone and then I went looking for him and I found him in the guest house!," she wails. Before she can continue, two police officers round the corner.

"Are you Mr. Owen's children?"

"I'm his son and Violet is Heather's daughter."

"I'm so sorry for your loss. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?"

"Of course not," I say and gesture for them to head to the kitchen.

We take a seat around the island and the officer says, "So, look, there's not really a delicate way of putting this, but we found a note with your father's body. Is this his handwriting?" He slides a clear evidence bag with the note inside across the table. I take it and read it over, as though I don't already know what's on it.

"Yes it is. But I- I don't understand. He killed my mother?" I ask, putting on my best shocked face.

"We believe so yes. We're currently attempting to coordinate with authorities in London to see what we can find out. In the meantime, can you tell us where you were last night between 3 and 4 am?"

"I'm sorry, what does that have to do with anything? I thought he committed suicide."

"Just trying to cover all the bases in case something changes during the investigation." This is the part Violet and I rehearsed so we both know exactly what to do.

"I -,uh, I was -"

"He was with me," Violet says quietly, looking down at the table.

"Excuse me?" Heather spits out, giving us a glare.

"He- we were together. Last night."

"Violet, you don't have to-"

"No, it's fine. They're going to find out at some point" she says, placing a hand on my leg under the table. "We were together last night. At a hotel."

"Violet! What on earth is going on?! What about Jace?!" Heather says.

"Jace and I broke up a while ago. And Kane and I are- well- we're in love," Violet says and then looks me in the eye. This part is not hard to play for either of us.

Before Heather can say anything the officer asks, "Can anyone corroborate that story?"

"Yes. Many of the staff, and I'm sure the security footage."

"And why were you at a hotel? Were you hiding your relationship?"

"No, absolutely not. All of our friends at Harvard know about us and we were going to tell our family over Christmas. We just both have roommates so we like to get away for the weekends," I tell him.

"I see. Well in that case, that's all the questions we have for now. We will contact you if we have any further questions. Once again, I'm sorry for your loss." He says and he and his partner head out. i have no doubt they will be checking in with the hotel.

I internally breathe a sigh of relief until I turn to see Heather looking at us incredulously.

"You two? Seriously?! How could you do this to me Violet? Do you have any idea how this is going to affect me?"

"Mom, are you serious right now? Your husband is dead and you're worried about how my relationship affects you?!"

"He is your brother Violet!"

"No he's not! I was 13 when you married Harper and I only met Kane a handful of times since then! I barely knew him or Harper until recently!"

"And you," she says, turning her attention to me. "Is this some kind of sick game to you? My daughter is sick. She doesn't understand what she's doing and you're taking advantage of her."

"Don't you dare speak to him like that," Violet says as she stands up. The venom in her voice is enough to make me nervous. "First of all, I am not sick. In fact, I am healthier now than I ever was before and Kane is partly responsible for that. Second, I know exactly what I'm doing. I love him more than anything in this world, which I don't expect you to understand since you only marry for money."

"Darling," I warn gently. She sits back down and grabs my hand, angrily swiping at tears with the other.

"I'm sorry, that was out of line. I know you just lost him. But you can't just say things like that to people," she says, swiping her hand through her hair in frustration.

"Get out of my house," Heather says through gritted teeth.

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