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*Violet's POV*

I stand in the hallway, stunned. Did Kane just give me a compliment after ignoring me this entire day? His mood swings are giving me whiplash. It takes me a few seconds to regain my composure and open the door. Stepping into the room, I realize how much of a buzz I currently have going on from all the bourbon.

When I finally make it inside, I strip the dress off and put on pajama shorts and a hoodie and put my hair up into a bun. I grab my little bathroom bag and then head out.

When I open my door I see Kane closing his and stepping into the hallway.

"Oh, sorry, are you using the bathroom?"I ask. He nods.

"Okay, I'll just go later."

"It's fine, there are two sinks," he says with a shrug.

"Um, right, yeah. Okay." He gestures for me to go first, so I do and head into the bathroom to the far sink, setting down my things. I wash my face first and when I finish drying it, my eyes flicker to Kane in the mirror and I find he's already looking at me. He quickly averts his gaze and continues brushing his teeth.

After we're both done with the teeth brushing, I begin to gather my things when I notice movement behind me in the mirror. I look up abruptly and see that Kane is standing right behind me. My heart rate ticks up a notch and I tell myself it's out of fear but I know it's not. He moves closer to me and places his hands on the counter on either side of me.

"You look just as good like this as you did in that dress," he says in a low voice in my ear. A shiver runs down my spine. I meet his dark eyes in the mirror and an intense wave of desire courses through me. I turn myself around so that my back is supported against the counter and he makes no move to remove his hands.

I look up at him through my eyelashes and am once again surprised at how much taller he is than me. My hands find their way to his chest on their own accord. I can feel his chest moving up and down faster than it should be. Good to know it's not just me.

He steps a little closer so that our bodies are almost touching. I can't find the willpower to stop the overwhelming urge I have to kiss him so I go up on my tiptoes and mold my lips to his. He doesn't need any more encouragement to lift me up and sit me on the counter top. My legs find their way around him, pulling his hips into me. One of his hands fists in my hair, holding me against his mouth and the other holds my lower back against him.

I feel his tongue swipe my lower lip and I open my mouth, letting his tongue explore mine. He starts to rock his hips a little and I can feel the hardness forming against the wetness pooling in my underwear. I let out a little moan into his mouth. I don't think I have ever in my life been this turned on and he's barely even touched me. I blame it on the bourbon.

He slips a hand under my shirt and leaves a trail of fire wherever his fingers meet my bare skin. I move my hands lower and begin to put them underneath his shirt too, wanting to feel the muscles in his back without the barrier that is his t-shirt. As soon as my hand goes under, he grabs my wrists in his, pulling my hands away and breaks the kiss.

"Don't," he says, with a deadly expression in his eyes.

"Sorry, I-" I say in a quiet voice. He drops my hands and then storms out of the bathroom. What just happened?

I continue to sit on the counter in stunned silence for a few seconds and compose myself before heading back to my bedroom. I drop my things in my bag and then flop back on the bed.

What did I do wrong to make him so angry? Hang on, that shouldn't matter. Why did that even happen? That's twice now. And honestly, if he hadn't stopped it, I'm not sure I would have. God, what is wrong with me? I'm supposed to be calling my boyfriend, who I love and I'm over here making out with the last person I should be making out with. So why do I feel this weird pull telling me to run across the hall to Kane?

I roll over and groan loudly into my pillow. Okay, calm down. I need to relax and call Jace and get my mind off of him. I sit up in bed cross-legged and take several deep breaths before grabbing my phone, scrolling down to Jace's contact and clicking the facetime button.

He answers on the first ring and he's lying on his bed in the frat house. Looking into his blue eyes, even through the screen, instantly calms me down.

"Hey Vi," he says with a smile.

"Hi Jace," I say with a small sigh.

"What's up? Is something wrong?"

"I just miss you."

"I miss you too," he says with a little smile. "So how is everything going over there? I hope your drive wasn't too awful."

"No, it was fine. He basically ignored me the whole time so I just read a book."

"That's good," No it's not, my subconscious says. "How is your mom and the house and everything?"

I tell him about dinner and how Mom didn't even know what I was taking in school and then ask him about his week. After a while, I yawn and he says, "I guess the drive tired you out huh? You should get some sleep. We're hosting a party here anyway so I should get going."

"Yeah, you're right, I should. Have fun at your party."

"Thanks, I will. Goodnight and I love you, Vi."

"Love you too," I reply and guilt creeps up my spine as soon as he hangs up. Ugh I am literally the worst. I quickly call my dad to tell him I'm doing okay and then shut the lights off and lie back in bed with my laptop. I stick my headphones in and put on a movie and the whole way through, my thoughts keep drifting back to Kane to the point where I'm going to have to rewatch this movie again someday because I missed enough that I don't understand the ending.

I turn off my laptop and just as my head hits the pillow, my phone vibrates on the nightstand.

Kane: I'm sorry.

I stare at the screen, almost not believing what I'm seeing. What does he mean by that? I type and retype my message several times before sending it. I decide to keep it simple.

Me: For what?

I stare at the phone and anxiously await his reply. I see the little speech bubbles pop up and disappear multiple times before his reply finally comes.

Kane: Everything.

He's so cryptic. God he's frustrating. Does this mean he regrets kissing me? Or is this just about him storming out on me? Maybe both. I mean, we are equally to blame for what happened so he really doesn't need to apologize.

Me: I forgive u. And I'm sorry too.

Kane: Goodnight Violet.

Well that clears things up. Whatever. This probably isn't a conversation to be had over text anyway and my brain is definitely still fuzzy from the alcohol. I text him Goodnight back and then lie down against my pillow and attempt to fall asleep.

When I eventually manage it, I find myself dreaming of Kane's hands on my body.

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