Worst Frat Boy Ever

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*Kane's POV*

As Stella drives us to the restaurant, I think about her comment. Violet's shadow? It's not that bad is it? The more I think about it, the more I realize how much I've been lurking around her this past week. I wonder if it bothers her. No, I don't think so. She would have said something, right? Besides, she was clearly happy to see me just now.

I'm definitely overthinking this. This girl is making me even crazier than I already was. If that's even possible.

We pull up to a Greek takeout place and go up to the counter to order. We take a booth and Stella sits across from Violet and me.

"So, tell us about your weekend," Stella says, while attempting to stab a tomato that insists on rolling away.

"It was nice. I spent a lot of time with my Dad and I saw Rebecca Saturday. I did bump into Jace's mom though, which was super awkward."

"Oh no, was she pissed?"

"No, it was worse. She hugged me and asked me why Jace wasn't with me. She thought we were still together."

"What?! No way! What did you do?"

"I just played it off. I didn't want to be the one to tell her. Right after I left, I called Jace and told him he needs to tell them."

"How did that go?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Not well. He said he didn't tell them yet because he thought we were going to get back together. Then he kept trying to apologize and told me to not throw away 4 years for one stupid mistake." my head snaps to hers, and my stomach twists into a knot. Would she get back with him?

"That's a lame excuse. What did you tell him?" Stella says.

"Right? I told him it's never gonna happen and to get his shit together and then hung up on him," she says with a shrug and then takes a bite of her chicken. I relax myself and then focus back on my lunch. Of course she's not going to get back with him. I've really got to get a hold of this paranoia.

"Good for you," Stella says. "Do you have to head back early to help with the set up for today?" She asks me. I look at her and raise my eyebrows. "Set up for what?"

"The kegger this afternoon. At your house."

"This is news to me."

"Jesus, you're the worst frat boy ever. Don't even know about your own party. Anyway, Vi we are definitely going. I heard they're making a giant slip and slide in the backyard."

I look over and see Violet cringe a little. "We don't have to go if you don't want to Violet," I tell her.

"No, no. It's fine, we should go. It's at your house. Besides, the slip and slide thing could maybe be...fun. I guess," I can tell she doesn't even believe herself when she says that last part and she's only saying it for Stella's benefit but I don't argue with her. Worst case, she hates it and we escape to my room, which would really not be the worst case at all.

When we all finish eating, we head back to their dorm so that the girls can change and Violet can pack an overnight bag. I wait outside by my car for them. When they come down, they're both wearing shorts and t-shirts and Violet is carrying her bag which I take from her and then I drive us to the house.

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