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*Kane's POV*

After my phone call, I can't stop thinking about her. In my head, I know she's with Stella and she's fine so I fight the urge to go see her. I fight it all afternoon and then when it's getting close to dinner time I'm worried that she's going to try to skip a meal again. Or at least that's what I tell myself as I drive to pick up Chinese food and bring it to her dorm.

I knock on the door and Stella answers, "Vi, it's for you," she says and then walks back into the room. I see Violet sitting on Stella's bed with several chocolate bar wrappers and an empty mickey of vodka.

"Kane?" She asks, blinking a few times.

"Uh, hi. I brought you guys some food," I say holding up the bag.

"We were just about to order food."

"Guess I have good timing then," I tell her. I close the door and then go to sit cross-legged on the floor and begin removing the contents of the bag. Violet slides off the bed and joins me. Stella kneels down and reaches under her bed and pulls out another mickey.

"Stella, how many of those do you have in here?!" Violet asks her.

"Are you sure you need more of that?" I ask, noticing how they're both clearly a little buzzed.

"Who are you, the fun police?" Stella says making Violet giggle. I watch her smile for a couple seconds before replying, "No, just making sure you guys will be good to go to class tomorrow."

"My first class isn't until 10. I'll be fine," Violet tells me. Stella takes a sip of the vodka and then offers me the bottle.

"Nah, I have to drive."

"You can stay here," Stella suggests. Is she prepositioning me?

"Uh, no offense, but I'm not-"

"Not for me, dummy," she says with an eye roll. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell."

That shocks me even more than the preposition. How much does she know? I look at Violet, silently asking her if it's okay and she nods once and I take the bottle from Stella.

Once we finish our meal and clean up the empty containers, Stella and Violet sit on Stella's bed after turning the lights out and Violet gestures for me to sit next to her as she pulls a laptop onto her legs.

"So, our next movie was supposed to be 10 Things I Hate About You but we can pick something else if you want," Violet says looking up at me.

"Don't change it on my account."

"Yay!" Stella squeals and then presses play. We pass the vodka between us and at some point, Violet's hand makes its way into mine and she weaves our fingers together. I think this might actually be the first time I've ever held hands with someone and it feels incredible and kind of intimate in a weird way. I find the warmth that radiates into me from her palm very soothing.

When the movie ends, Violet yawns and rubs her eyes with her other hand. It's just after 9pm but she had a long day. We decide to just call it a night. Once we're all ready, Stella very quickly jumps into her bed, pulls the covers over her head and faces the wall. Subtle.

I pull off my jeans and then climb into the bed against the wall and Violet climbs in, facing away from me. I put my arm around her waist and pull her flush against me.

"Thank you," She says softly.

"What for?"

"Dinner. And well, everything," she replies.

"You're welcome," I reply and place a kiss on the side of her head. I'm expecting a reply but I feel her muscles relax and hear her breathing slow down considerably. That was fast.

"Goodnight Violet," I whisper to her, even though I know she can't hear me.

"I knew it! I knew you were faking it! You've brought this all upon yourself," my father screams at me. He opens the door to the basement, dragging me down with him and I see a girl, tied up to a chair, bleeding and sobbing. When she looks up and her hair falls from her face, her blue eyes meet mine. Pure, unadulterated fear courses through my veins.

"Violet! No!" I scream.

"Kane! Wake up!" The girl says but her mouth isn't moving.

I feel someone's hands on my shoulder and then-

"Kane!" I'm thrust out of my nightmare and I look around frantically and see Violet propped up on one elbow with a hand on my chest, looking at me with concern in her eyes. I pull her abruptly into my chest and squeeze her tight. She seems startled at first but after a few seconds her arms and legs wrap around me.

"Are you okay?" she whispers against my neck.

"I am now. Go back to sleep." She nods and after a few minutes, she relaxes against me but I maintain my grip on her as I try to fall back asleep.

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