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*Violet's POV*

After Lucas tells Mitch to fuck off I thank him and then say, "God that guys gives me the creeps."

"Yeah, he's a sleaze bag." I then see him looking at something behind me. "It looks like you might not have to worry about him anymore though." I crane my neck and see Kane heading straight for Mitch through the crowd.

"Uh oh," I say and then move to go stop whatever is about to happen but Lucas holds me back and says, "No, no, let's see what happens." We all watch not-so-subtly as Kane steps in front of Mitch with his features set in a sinister glare and says a few words before Mitch puts his hands up in surrender and then just keeps walking.

"Well that was anti-climactic," Lucas says and we continue dancing before Kane can see us staring.

"I wonder what he said to him," I muse out loud.

"Probably told him to back off because he wants you all to himself," Mark jokes.

I let out an uncomfortable chuckle and then say, "I don't think so."

"Are you sure? Because the way he looks at you tells me he does."

I look at Lucas, silently begging him for help out of this conversation and thankfully he takes the hint and says, "I agree with Violet on this one. I think he's just being protective because they're, you know, family," he says and then quickly tacks on, "You know what we need? More drinks!"

"Yes!" I agree quickly and start walking towards the kitchen. I look over to Lucas and mouth "thank you," to him and he shoots me a wink.

We grab our drinks, and then take another shot just as Kane walks into the kitchen.

"Okay it's time for games!" Lucas announces and then proceeds to drag us all into the backyard. We spend the remainder of the evening rotating between taking shots, playing games (all of which I suck at) and dancing.

At one point, I completely lose track of Lucas and Mark and the crowd has started to thin out and there are people passed out on random pieces of furniture throughout the house.

"I think this is probably a good time to call it a night. Let me just find Lucas quickly to say goodbye." Kane nods and I do a lap around the house. I don't find Lucas or Mark so I make the assumption that they've gone to his room together.

"Okay, well, I don't see him, but my stuff is in his room and I don't want to go get it just in case so I'll just come back in the morning."

"Okay," Kane replies with a nod. We head out and walk back to Harper's house. He unlocks the door and we both attempt to slip inside as quietly as possible. I slide my shoes off and then tiptoe up the stairs, Kane following behind me.

I quickly change and throw my hair up in a bun before heading to the bathroom. Kane is already in there and I close and lock the door behind me. I lean forward into the mirror, attempting to remove my fake eyelashes, but I'm much more drunk than I thought I was and I can't figure out which angle to hold my fingers at to not impale myself.

I huff in frustration and I catch Kane watching me in the mirror with a smirk on his face.

"Would you like some assistance?" He asks and I nod and then hop up onto the counter and he stands in between my legs. He places one hand under my chin to tilt my head up and then tells me to close my eyes. I comply and then brace myself for the discomfort but instead I feel lips on mine. He pulls back way too soon and then says, "Sorry, couldn't help it. Now it's eyelash time."

He gently removes them and then my eyes open to find him staring at me. "Thank you," I tell him softly.

"You're welcome," he says and then steps back and I silently curse his high level of self-control. I hop off the counter and then wash my face and brush my teeth.

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