Chapter 66

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New York's crime rate was rapidly decreasing, many criminals were even too afraid to commit any crimes at all. The reason to this was Darkforce was taking them all down with all brutal ease, he didn't drag out fights like he usually did and resort to only taking the criminals out. The civilians, the authorities, the press and even Detective Yin noticed his change in stopping crime.

A criminal was running through the streets with a bag under his arm and a handgun in his other hand, a few cruisers were cautiously following him through the streets. Yin was tailing right behind him on foot, she had been chasing him for a few blocks now but she still looked fresh to run a few more miles. Just as he was about to jump him, a chain wrapped around the thug and yanked him into the air where he loudly screamed in fear.

A black figure then kicked him into the back of a Swat van that was a feet away, an officer closed the van once the criminal fell in. Everyone then looked up to see the dark hero flip in midair before landing on the roof of the van, Yin slowly approached the dark hero with a little apprehension. Then he looked down at her before flipping back and heading for an alley, she took that as a sign to follow him.

Once she walked into the alley she saw no one, she looked around for a minute before slowly turning around. Then before her she saw the dark hero crouched above her, she took a few steps back on instinct. Sometimes she forgot how scary and imposing he could be, that alone made her nervous which was weird because they were kind of like friends.

"L-Long time, no see, Troy". She started.

She saw his lenses narrow a bit and she hoped she didn't say anything wrong.

"Hi, Yin". He responded before jumping down and standing a few feet in front of her,"You look good".

"You look good too". She said with a small smile.

"So, what's wrong? What did I do?". He asked as he leaned against a wall.

"What do you mean?". She asked.

"I saw how you were approaching me, like you were trying to demand an answer from me". He said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I wanted to know what had gotten into you". She said while looking him straight in lenses.

"Gotten into me?! What, you mean taking out criminals?". He said like it was the most casual thing,"I do it everyday".

"Yeah, but now it's different". She explained,"In the past weeks, some criminals landed in the hospital because of your new form of strategy. You're hurting them, like really hurting them".

"I'm tired of dragging out fights now, Yin". He said with a deep sigh,"Taking them out in the shortest possible time is the best way".

"But you're causing fear". She countered.

"They should be afraid of what I'm capable of, Yin". He said getting close to her before pinning her against a wall,"Do you know how many I've failed? How many I could have saved? How the deaths wouldn't have occurred if I had just stayed dead?".

"What are you talking about?". She asked as she was clearly confused.

"Do you want me to trust you?". He asked.

She nodded carefully.

He slowly slipped his fingers under his mask and started to lift it, before it went over his nose Yin reached forward and grabbed his hands to stop him.

"Don't". She whispered quietly,"Not like this".

"Look into the eyes of the man behind the mask. The man behind the darkness". The dark hero said,"Look into the eyes of Darkforce".

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