Chapter 87

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Troy received a call from Black Canary informing him about Mera, she was absent from the Watchtower for most days and some were concerned for her. Arthur's death hit her hard and she was not herself at all, she was cold and detached and this terrified everyone. Nobody wanted to find out what an unhinged Mera was capable of.

Troy got his communicator and called the Xebel princess, she didn't answer the first few times but she eventually gave in and answered him on his last try. She told him to meet her by the harbor, which was a preferable meeting spot than a public place filled with people.

Troy hugged his jacket closer to him as a cold breeze blew in. Gotham had some really dreary weather coming in and the dark hero didn't like it, he obviously wasn't cold but he still hated cold weather. He slowly approached the harbor and saw how quiet the area was, it was early morning and there was no one around. With his enhanced sight he was able to make out the green form of the Xebel princess sitting on the far end of the pier, looking out toward sea.

He slowly walked up the pier, he saw how her red hair blew in the wind and he felt a huge ache for her in his heart. She was so beautiful and he didn't want her to suffer like this. He noticed that she was wearing her green scaly Atlantean armor, it had a very intriguing design and it drew his attention immediately.

"Hi, Mera". He said as he came to a stop just a few feet behind her.

She was silent for awhile before she sniffed.

"Hi". She said in a hoarse voice.

Judging by her voice he knew she was doing a lot of crying as of late, that did not sit right with him. He quietly took a seat beside her and watched the waves in silence with her, she hugged one leg against her chest while the other leg was dangling off the pier.

"How are you holding up?". He asked silently.

"I don't know anymore". She replied quietly.

"I'm really sorry about what happened with Arthur and I understand wh-".

"No, no, no. Please don't say you understand what I'm going through because I don't think you do". Mera said silently while sniffing,"I loved him so much".

"Do you remember my history?".


"I'm the one who killed my wife and child". Troy said with guilt in his voice.

Mera's eyes widened in shock. Out of all members, she was one of the others that didn't know about his full story.


"I'm the murderer of my family". He said again,"Its a guilt I'm going to carry for the rest of my life".

Mera couldn't believe what she was hearing. This was unlike him, it didn't feel right to her.

"I'm never gonna be able to forgive myself for that. In my sorrow, I found rage and sought vengeance against the ones that did this". The Spartan continued,"I killed so many innocent people just to get to them, the more I killed the more I realized that I wasn't finding any kind of peace. After my vengeance was complete, I realized that killing my enemies didn't make me feel better about my family's murder".

Mera stared at him in disbelief.

"I just don't want you to go down the same path as I did". He said as he glanced at her,"It does not make things better".

Mera started to break down at that moment and she started to cry heavily.

"I don't know what to do!!".

Troy felt her pain and he slowly drew her inti his arms and let her cry into his chest, he soothingly rubbed her back as she let out all her emotions.

"Mera, I'm over four thousand years old and I realized that things do get better". He whispered,"You just need to find closure. Sometimes if you miss someone from your past, the best way to remember them is by remembering all the good times you had".

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