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𝚘𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟽𝚝𝚑, 𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟼

"Pansy, I just want to let you know that I'm going to breakfast early today." I stand beside her bed, whispering the words to not scare her out of her sleep.

Her eyes open for a second, but I don't think that she saw anything. 

She makes a humming noice which I take as an 'okay' and she hides her face in the blanket, already asleep again.

I'm not even sure why I woke up this early today, but I don't really mind.

Some people prefer the morning over the night, and some like it better the other way around. 

Both times of the day are so completely different, but so astonishingly similar.

The early morning hours are not made for everybody, but the people who like to wake up when the rest of the world is sill asleep are the ones who get to see the true beauty of this time of the day. Seeing the sun rise, hearing the birds sing you a good-morning-song and the cold and fresh morning air you feel on your skin is something incredible you don't get to see if you don't have the will to actually do something in order to see it.

Of course there are people who say that it makes no difference whether you regard the sunset or the sunrise, but for me it makes every difference. 

I always compare it to flowers and to me it makes more sense than a lot of other things do.

Flowers are bright throughout the day, showing their beautifully coloured petals to everyone who passes them. When the night time comes closer, some specific flowers decide to close up. They don't look like they usually do, because the inside of the flower is now hidden. A Crocus flower for example is still coloured purple on the outside when you look closely. It isn't the colouring that gets removed when they decide to close up at night, it is the way you see the plant.

Usually, a Crocus appears in a lilac colour when the sun shines down on it, widely opened petals to embrace all the light they can get, showing the yellow stamen in the middle of the Crocus. When the day is over, the flower decides to close up, getting rest in order to fully open up as soon as the day is one its way back, getting ready to enlighten the lane they have grown out from.

The sun isn't really different from that. 

A sunset is there to show us that the day is over, being the transition to the dark of the night. The last glimpse one can catch before the sun has set are extraordinarily pretty and it is hard to look away from the sky that is painted in a different colour than blue. This beauty can't be seen for the whole evening though, because at some point everything just goes black and the marvellous appearance of the sun is hidden for a few hours.

When the sun rises on the other side, it isn't the beauty of it that gets hidden. On the contrary, the so well known bright shafts of sunlight fight their way through the darkness that served as a hiding place for the light that is ready to come out now. 

Sunsets and sunrises are not the same, because one opens up the new day, and the other one closes it. One reveals the appearance of the day and the other one conceals it.

They are two different phenomena, even though the sun stands in the middle of them both.

It's all about interpretation. If you decide to open up your mind, allowing yourself to spend time thinking about what is happening around you, you might see the world from another perspective.

I pass several windows on my way to the Great Hall, each of them showing me the black sky and I notice that I still have time to go out later, watching the day swap places with the night.

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