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People always say 'when something seems unbearable, you need a source of light in your darkness', but why don't they say 'when something seems too good, you need some darkness in all your light'?

They always try to make things better, always try to turn black into white, but they never really want to do it the other way round. 

It's always about the dark room in which you don't see and in order to observe your surroundings you need light. You need something which leads you the way in order to not get lost in the darkness you are in.

It's always about the one person who brought light into another's dark life, the one person who enlightened the other and made him a better human being. They say that even a dark soul needs someone bright, someone who will give them good, but what about the people who are already filled with light?

Darkness needs light, but why don't they say that light needs darkness?

Everyone needs someone, even if they already are portrayed as the colour white. These kinds of people need darkness too, not only the other way round.

Something is too bad, too dark so you add light to it. 

And if something is too good, too bright, you add darkness to it.

Maybe it seems stupid to others, maybe it is stupid, but these thoughts wander around my mind as soon as I wake up. 

My room isn't floated with light, only the green water from outside my window allows me to see something and I wish that I could turn on the light to increase my sight even further.

But as soon as I open the door to my bathroom, I switch on the light and immediately switch it off again.

Sometimes you think that you need light in your life, but when the moment comes and you finally have it, you realise that you don't want it anymore. 

Light doesn't equal light, but it's possible that you only notice the difference when something brings you light, but that something didn't bring you what you really needed.

I decided that I want darkness over light right now, because my eyes simply couldn't handle the sudden brightness. Of course this is a natural situation and I'm sure a lot of people would've acted that way, but there always are people who would rather feel the pain in their eyes than staying in the darkness. Maybe they are afraid of what might lurk behind them, maybe they are afraid that their lamp won't work if they turn it on a minute later, that they will be captured in the darkness forever.

Or maybe they simply want to see themselves in the mirror.

Light doesn't equal light because there are sources of light you can life without, but there also are sources of light which show you how to truly start living, sources of light which can change you.

You don't need to turn on your lamp because even if you don't see anything, you still have the chance to escape the darkness later when you open your door again.

The form of light every person needs can't be bought nor can it be switched on or off.

A person needs another person, regardless who will appear as the light or the darkness. 

I don't really know what caused that thought to swirl around my head, but I have a suspicion.

Someone asked me if I was living or if I was alive and I answered with the latter. 

Maybe light and darkness are metaphors for that question. 

Living means that you are the light, the white colour, and that you need something black in order to have some balance.

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