Chapter 23

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The cold winter had slowly turned to spring and the beautiful spring had turned to another hot summer. That hot summer had also left and in came the rainy season.

Time was flying by for some and for some it felt like time had stopped. For Baekhyun time was flying by. He was traveling none stop to different countries, handling so much work Yunho put on him with hardly anytime to rest. He still kept in contact with everyone through calls and messages. He couldn't visit and he knows only calls and messages aren't enough. Even though he is busy as heck, he worries a lot about a certain someone. But he has two very trusty informants, Jaemin and Taehyung. They both secretly give him all the information he needs and are acting as his eyes so he can nag at Jian when she does something bad over phone. He also is worried about grandma because according to Taehyung her health is deteriorating. But Baekhyun's schedule is too busy that he can't do a thing even if he wanted to. He has decided after this work trip he's on in Berlin he's gonna go back to Korea and take a small rest and utilize this time to go and visit Goyang.

For other people the months felt like eternity. Jian felt like time had paused and she was in a boring cycle of studying and doing well at school. She even started questioning herself if all of this is really worth it. Her grandma's health was also a massive concern. Jian doesn't even know how bad it is because her grandma acts as if nothing is wrong because Jian's senior year finals are here. Jian also had a lot of other worries. She's turning twenty aka of legal age in a few weeks, her college entrance exams are knocking at the door, everyone expects her to get into a good college including herself. All of this is really stressful and most of all she acts like she is okay but deep down even she knows that she misses him.

He still nags at her over phone sometimes but these few minutes of calls one a blue moon just isn't enough for her.

Baekhyun was the only person that she had an emotional bonding with. She doesn't know how and why but he was the only person that could get through the high wall she had built around her heart. He was the only person that could put her back in her place and make her do what is right for her...well..after her sister that it.

All of this hurts Jian's ego, the fact that a man that she knows for barely a couple of months has this big of an effect on her. But what can she actually do?

Today was just one of those days where Jian felt shit about everything. She didn't feel like doing anything, she didn't feel like studying, playing games, watching movies anything. Everything felt useless and annoying. She felt like absolute shit since the morning. School was boring as hell, Jaemin had to go to some family gathering after school, Jian had to go to the academy alone. Academy also felt like hell so she dipped in the middle of it without anyone noticing. She knows that her exams are near and she shouldn't be bunking classes but today she just doesn't feel like doing anything. She went to a nearby cafe and stayed there for a bit, drinking an iced americano and scrolling through her instagram. She also scrolled through her YouTube feed, nothing that caught her eye. Jian sighed and put her phone down and tried to study something at the cafe instead, that plan also failed. So Jian gave up and got out of the cafe. The wind was blowing nicely, the air felt nice. Jian didn't know why she suddenly felt like she would feel a bit better if she took a long walk. Other than that she has no other idea to make this shitty day better.

So Jian did just that. She took her bag and stuffed airpods in her ears and started walking as far as she could while jamming to the music. The sun was just setting. The sky was a beautiful shade of purple, the wind was calming and soothing. Her mood was getting slightly better as she walked around the park, around her academy and went to a lonely street. She always comes here when she has a lot to think about. This street is really long, leads to a bus station but is mostly a lonely street.

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