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Kaden's POV

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Kaden's POV

"Nigga, what!"

Titus started laughing and then Lucas and Jordan started. Chris snorted and then Rashard joined in.

We all looked at them as they hooted. Ok, so this was not the reaction I was expecting.

When they calmed down, they all turned their eyes to me. Rashard said, "Ok I'm the oldest, Titus, Jordan, Lucas and Chris. How old are you?"

Kaden said, "I just made 19."

They all looked at each other.

"So that means he was still cheating on Veronique."

"That nigga's pull-out game is trash as fuck!"

Chris looked back at me. "Ok, so we're brothers. Still doesn't explain everything."

"Well I was going to ask Adrian's advice on how to approach you. But yall are always together so it made it difficult. I was looking at my phone earlier because I was texting my mom and letting her know that I was about to tell you. I know I did this wrong but I got nervous. And it didn't help that every time I got around yall, yall seemed to be surrounded by fine ass dudes. Sorry, but my inner ho was twitching and not allowing my brain to function. I mean, do yall have to travel in packs like that? Then Commander Rucker short circuited my brain with his Zaddy vibes."

Cortlandt said, "Yasss!"

"Ok, I'm gonna need yall to scrub the vision of my Daddy outta yall's head cause that's just ew."

"Sorry, Addi but Mr. Anthony is kinda sexy", Titus said. "He got that silver fox thing going on. Then that bit of hood he got."

"Wait, he got a hood vibe too", I asked.

"Ay ay ay! This ain't about my Daddy. This is about yall's greasy ass can't put on a condom ass trash ass Daddy."

"You right", Chris started. "So does he know about you?"

I nodded. "Yeah. He didn't come around a whole lot but knows. He would just send money. My mom used to work for the company. She was dead ass wrong because she knew that he was married but fell for his lines anyway. Anyway, my mom told me about yall my whole life so I've always known about yall. I've wanted to approach you for some time but didn't know how. I couldn't come to your house cause that would've been mad disrespectful to your mom."

"Ok, well, I only have one question", Jordan asked.

"What's that?"

He smiled, "Who's gonna be the one to tell his bitch ass that we know about you?"

"Wait... before we do that, does he know that you're gay and does he still support you financially?"

"Yes to both. Why do you ask?"

Chris' face fell and he walked out.

I looked at my other brothers and Lucas said, "Chris just came out over Thanksgiving and then Jeremiah cut him off financially because of it."

"Oh no. I'm sorry. Well, he came to the house one day when I was younger and he saw me dressed in a princess outfit. He tried to make me take it off but I cried like hell. He bought me a couple more after that."

"That hypocritical son of a bitch! No shade to you, Kaden, but he swore that he didn't want a gay son when we both came out", said Titus.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why he accepted it."

"It's cool."

Chris came back in and said, "Ayo, let's call this nigga now. Kaden, use your phone. Facetime his ass."

I got a little nervous. I didn't want to be used by them but I understood them being upset.

"Never mind. I'll call him. You don't have to even get on the phone, Kaden."

Chris took out his phone and called Dad. When he picked up, I was surprised by the coldness in his voice.

"And do you want? Didn't I disown you?"

"Awww... no birthday wishes, Jerry? Is that any way to treat your youngest son?"

"You're no son of mine. I told you and that other one that I don't have any fag sons."

"Aw well that's a shame. Hey guys, dear old dad is still bitter. How's the new baby?"

New baby? What?

"What do you care? Why are you even calling me?"

Rashard got on the phone and said, "Ayo, Pops. So I don't have time for all this back and forth and shit but here's the deal. You're foul as shit for cutting CPR off like that. You know he doesn't have a job and he's in school. Also, Lonnie is only 16 and yet you have abandoned her to Ma'Dea. That's not cool at all, Pops."

"Who are you to lecture me?"

"I'm your eldest child. Your first born."

"Whatever. What do you want? I'm not adding that immoral person back to my account."

Chris snatched the phone back. "I'm immoral because I'm gay? Nigga you got five kids out of wedlock. Oop... make that six kids out of wedlock and you're worried about the one dick I'm sucking?"

"What do you mean six kids?"

"Just what the fuck I said. These four, Samantha's unborn. Kaden."


"Yeah. You know the one between me and Lonnie? The one that your wife don't know about."

"So is this blackmail? Is that what your bitch ass want?"

"Nah, nigga. You ain't worth it. Just wanted to put you up on game. Don't worry. I won't spoil Kaden and tell him about all of the slimy shit you've done. He seems to think that you hung the fucking moon. Glad you're accepting of him though and that you're still supporting him. He's gonna need the insurance to pay for his eventual therapy."

I saw my dad turning red. "You insolent little punk!"

"Yeah yeah yeah. Whatever, Jheri Curl. Look, take care of Lonnie and Kaden. I don't need you."

Chris hung up the phone and turned to us. "Anyway, are yall ready to roll out? I need a nap and a blunt and not in that order."

Gio looked at Chris and said, "I got you, lil daddy."

Adrian stood up and said, "Yall can say what ya want about my daddy being trigger happy. I'll take 10 of him than one of Juicy Jerome."


The brothers all hugged and then looked at me.

"Get your pretty ass in here, Lashes."

I smiled and walked over to the group. My brothers... my family. 

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