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Bobby's POV

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Bobby's POV

I'm pissed. Yeah I know. What else is new? So I'm pissed off cause my lawyer said it would look good if I talked to that lil nigga, Adrian. Man, ain't nobody trying to hear that shit. Anyway, so here I am sitting here waiting on this nigga to show up.

"Robert, sit up."

If this mofo call me Robert one more damn time. I'm gonna ignore his ass. I start counting like my punk ass counselor said I should do. I made it to 30 when the door opened. A big tall dude walked in followed by... Adrian? The hell? He had on a suit and his hair was slicked back into a ponytail at the back of his head.

"Welcome. I'm Lance Mooney, Mr. Davis' attorney. Mr. Rucker, I presume. And you are?"

"Mr. Rucker's legal counsel. Davis McCarty."

My lawyer swallowed so hard you could hear it. Oh great. Wait... that's Trevor's old man. This is just great! Fuck!

"Well, have a seat, gentlemen."

As soon as everyone was at the table, Lance made a whole production about opening up folders and searching for pens and shit. I rolled my eyes and tried not to sigh. I glanced over to Adrian but he was talking to his attorney and not paying me any attention.

"Ok let's get started, shall we?"

"Why is my client here", Mr. McCarty asked.

"Well, my client would like to make a request of Mr. Rucker."

"And you thought a subpoena was the best way to make that happen?"

Lance started stuttering and I groaned in frustration. "Adrian, look! Shit happened, aiight? It went too far. All I thought was that we hold you for a few, get Trevor out there so I could beat his ass and then we'd let you go. I ain't know that ol' boy had this whole bomb and shit. So, all I wanna know is if you can tell the judge that I'm not a killer or no shit like that. Yeah, I got anger issues and shit but I'm not a psycho. They are trying to put kidnapping and assault charges on me. I got a kid and at this rate, I'll never see her grow up."

He finally looked at me. "What do you expect me to do?"

"Just sign something that says that I didn't do all that shit. That was all Da'Quan."

"So you weren't there in the room? At the barn?"

Lance jumped in. "Don't say anything else, Robert."

"My name is Bobby, mufucka! I keep telling you that shit! Now look Adrian, are you gonna do the shit or not?"

Mr. McCarty stood up, "Or not. Adrian, let's go. Mr. Mooney, we will see you at sentencing." Adrian stood up as well.

Mr. Mooney shouted, "Gentleman, please wait. Please excuse my client. He suffers from..."

"Being an asshole", Adrian stated.

I jumped up and Mr. McCarty jumped in front of Adrian. "Mr. Mooney, I advise you to reign in your client. He's already facing assault charges. We can add another count as well as an intimidation charge."

"Sit down, Bobby!"

I slowly sat down but I was still pissed.

"Mr. Rucker, please. Don't go."

Adrian looked at his attorney who whispered in his ear. They both took their seats again and looked at Mooney.

"Thank you." He opened a folder and pulled out a picture. "This is Imani, Bobby's daughter. She's two and she's going to grow up without a father. Yes, Robert did some terrible things to you but please... think about Imani."

"Your client should've thought about Imani while he conspired with a psychopath", stated Mr. McCarty. "My client has his own issues that he is dealing with because of what happened. He has his own health issues to contend with. Where was your client's sense of compassion and family then? He's somebody's child too. The reasoning behind that whole debacle was over some school yard petty beef on your client's side."

Ok yeah, I should've let that shit go a while ago. Especially the shit with Adrian. I mean, he didn't bother me. He never said anything to me unless I said shit to him. I just... hell I don't know. Guess I was... am... a bully and he was little and he was gay, so I figured he'd be easy pickings. I will admit that shit in the lunchroom, I thought he was going to cry or something. I didn't expect him to go that hard and have even my friends clowning me. The shit with Trevor though... every fucking time. Ok, look. I kinda looked up to that nigga. He was cool as fuck and everybody liked him. But when he tried to punk me in front of Adrian that afternoon, something in me flipped. Just looking at him getting all the bitches that I wanted pissed me off. What really did it for me was catching him dogging my mama though. The shit that she allowed this nigga to do to her still run my blood hot. I'm sure he did the same shit to my sister and my ho ass baby mama. And they love that nigga for it. My mama had a smile on her face for a whole ass week. My issue wasn't Adrian. He was just a means to an end. That was Da'Quan's obsession. And I let my anger guide me and look where the fuck I am? Nigga about to go to jail for at least ten years. Fuck!

I cleared my throat. "Ayo, Adrian, look. I know you don't owe me shit. You don't. I get it. I fucked up. My problem was not with you. Yeah, I tried to bully the shit outta you when were in school but you were quick with the words that hurt more than any punch that I could've thrown. My issue has always been with Trevor since that afternoon. It was like he went out of his way to always fuck up something that was mine. I mean... he fucked my mama and my sister and my daughter's mother."

Adrian sighed heavily. "Bobby, what does that... any of that have to do with me? I wasn't with Trevor when all of that shit went down. And if you were that damn mad, you know where Trevor lives. You could've gone to the house anytime that he was home on break. He's not hard to miss. The women that he fucked, fucked him willingly. He didn't force any of those women on his dick. Your mama knew his age. Your sister knew who he was. Your baby mama knew she was in a relationship. He may have used them cause let's face it, the man was a ho. But they used him too to get that nut or that affection or whatever the fuck they needed when they were right in that moment. Regardless of that though... Bobby, you willingly went along with a fucking psychopathic deranged mufucka to drug me, snatch me out of a store and use me as bait. You watched this man strip me, handcuff me to a fucking bed, punch me in my face, violate me and threaten my life repeatedly because of some sick twisted version of love. I told the police that you didn't know about the bomb. I didn't have to. Outside of that, Bobby, I owe you nothing. I'm sorry about your daughter, but you brought this shit on yourself. Now, unless I'm being called to testify in court, I don't ever want to hear from you again. If I do, I'll sue you for harassment, mental anguish and distress, psychological abuse and any other charges that my attorney can think of. I wish you the best and I hope that you get the help and closure that you need so that you can get over this bullshit. Therapy is working for me. I suggest you do the same."

He looked at his lawyer and let the older man escort him out of the room. I couldn't do anything but slump in my chair. He was right.


Mooney jumped. "Bobby, are you ok?"

"No, mufucka! I am going to fucking jail! And for what? Cause my bitch fucked somebody else and cause my mama and sister are some hos. I should've just pled insanity and spent my time in the nut house eating fucking lime jello and making macaroni necklaces and shit. That muthafucka Da'Quan is still fucking with my life. I hope he burns in fucking hell!"

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