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Adrian's POV

It gotta be something in this damn air. Or the food. Or the fucking water. When in the hell did I become a whole ass freak ho? I mean, I'll give you that I may be a quarter ho...maybe half freak. But a WHOLE ass freak ho? I'm looking at myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I looked like a hot glazed Shipley's donut and shit. The other three keep sneaking glances at me and shaking their heads. I ignored them as I went over to take a shower. As the water beat down on me, I had to think back on what happened since we came back from sightseeing. I had to smile at myself because... yeah I did that shit. Ok Adrian... embrace your hoism and be done with it.

"Baby, you done?"

I looked up and Trevor was leaning against the wall. I smiled because regardless of what may happen this weekend, this was my heart.

"Almost. Just wanna make sure that I got everything."

I stayed in the shower for another 10 minutes because the shit felt amazing. Trevor wrapped me into a towel and carried me to the bed. Chris and Gio were already in the bed.

"Wait, bae. I need some boxers."

Gio said, "You're not going to sleep naked?"

I looked at the three of them and said, "Yall just want to molest me. I just want some sleep."

"I promise to let you sleep."

Trevor said, "Me too."

Chris said, "I ain't promising shit but I'll try."

I rolled my eyes but didn't put on the boxers. "Ok who am I laying on?"

Chris pulled me on his chest. Trevor turned off the light and climbed in behind me and Gio spooned Chris.

I immediately dozed off and was out. When I woke up the next day, I was in bed by myself. I tried to stretch the kinks out of my body because I had aches. I decided to treat myself to a soak in the tub. I pulled out all of my bath gels and ran the water as hot as I could stand it while brushing my teeth and pulling my hair up. I turned on some music on my phone and got in the tub. While soaking, I let the music flow over me. My eyes closed as I leaned my head back on the back of the tub. Not sure how long I sat there but I heard Trevor speaking.

"Well now this is a beautiful sight."

I opened my eyes and smiled. "Hey my Chocolate Daddy."

He leaned over and kissed me. "Hey my Lil Bit. You ok?"

"Yeah. Just some aches but I'll be ok. Where did you go?"

"Just into town for a minute. We wanted to wait for you but you were out for the count so we just let you sleep. You sure you're ok?"

"Promise I am. Hungry as fuck though."

"They are setting lunch up on the terrace. Come on when you're ready, ok?"

I nodded and he gave me a slow lazy smile. "You know I love you, right, Adrian?"

"Yes, Trevor. I love you too."

He kissed me again and said, "Finish your bath, ok? Don't be too long or else I'll come looking for you."

I giggled and said, "I'll always be where you can find me, Tre."

"Hm... let me get outta here before I end up getting in this tub with you."

"You say that like it's a bad idea, baby!"

He gave me the full Trevor smile and my fucking insides quivered. "You're not ready for what I'm on right now. Maybe later. Hurry and come eat. Love you."

"Love you too, bae."

He left and I finished my bath. After I moisturized, I put on a pair of ripped shorts and a t-shirt. I put on my MCM slides and Dior sunglasses. Yeah, a bitch was spoiled as hell but whatever. When I made it outside, the guys were all laughing and joking. When they saw me, they all got quiet.

"Well damn. Make a bitch self-conscious, why don't you?"

Chris said, "It's not even like that, Addi. How are you?"

"Hungry. What did yall do in town today?"

Trevor said, "Just picked up some souvenirs and stuff. Nothing major."

"Oh I wish yall would've got me up. I want to get some stuff for my mama and Big Mama. Also, I need to see if they have some more White Hennessey for my daddy and some cigars."

"We can go back out tomorrow, High Note", said Gio.

I fixed myself a plate and noticed they were all staring at me.

"Do I have something on my face? What's up yall?"

They looked at each other and then back at me but didn't say a word.

"Man whatever. If yall wanna be all secretive, I'll take my ass back in the house and let yall continue your conversation."

I stood up and grabbed my plate to walk back inside. Chris grabbed my waist and pulled me back to my seat.

"Calm your ass down, Adrian, damn."

"Fuck you Chris and these two giants as well. I mean, when I walked out yall stopped talking. Now yall staring at a nigga like I have an eye in the middle of my damn forehead. Now what the fuck? I have no problem enjoying my week by mydamnself if yall wanna act a fucking fool."

"Why I got to be a giant, bae? Damn... that's some mean shit."

I rolled my eyes at Trevor and ate in silence. By the time I finished they still hadn't said anything and I was pissed. I left my plate and walked out to the beach. I pulled a blunt from my pocket cause a bitch stay ready. I plopped my ass down in the sand and watched the water while I smoked.

"Ya know, you really need to work on your patience and your attitude, Adrian."

I didn't bother to turn around. "Yall need to work on leaving me hell alone. Go back to yall's fuckboy conversation."

"Sure you want me to go?"

"Yes. I'm good."

"Ok but before I do..."

Three designer shopping bags were dropped in front of my eyes. I wanted to squeal and jump up but I had to maintain my gangsta. I waited fifteen minutes before my curiosity got the best of me. Looking in the bags, I saw a couple of outfits and more than a few pair of sexy ass trunk style boxers from different designers and a couple of jock straps. I rolled my eyes but smirked. Ok, these punks... can't stand them. I gathered up the bags and stood up. When I turned, they were all standing right behind me looking like a trio of sexiness. Biiitch... I tried to stay mad but I couldn't.

"Yall still some fuckboys but thank you."

"Come on back to the house. We need to talk."

"Oh now you wanna talk", I said to Trevor.

He looked at me and charged at me. I screamed as he put me over his shoulder and spanked me quickly three times.

"Told you about all of this sassiness and shit. Now bring your ass in the house so we can talk."

Chris grabbed my bags and brought them with us. In the living room, Trevor sat me on his lap and waited for the other two to join us. I hoped whatever they were about to say didn't ruin my high. 

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