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Giovanni's POV

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Giovanni's POV

Friday afternoon, one of the Rinaldi jet was waiting at the airport for its four passengers. I pulled in first and greeted the crew.

"Your father asked that you call him, Signor Rinaldi."

I pulled out my phone and FaceTime my father.

"My son!"

"Ciao, Papa."

"So you're headed to the beach house, si?"

"Yes sir. Spring Break with Chris, Trevor and Adrian."

"Buona, buona mio figlio. I called and arranged everything for you. The house is stocked. Of course, the staff lives on site in their own quarters. Just call if anything is needed. What time are you taking off?"

"Just waiting for everyone to show up. We're all coming from class."

Just as he was saying it, the others were pulling up, looking like a scene out of a car chase movie. The combined music was echoing off the walls. As they stepped out of their cars, the staff started removing luggage and storing it on the plane.

"Everyone's here now, Papa."

"Ah. Let me meet your friends, Giovanni."

"Si, Papa. Hey guys, come meet my dad."

I introduced the other guys to my dad as he smiled at them. "Christopher! So good to see you again! And I know people that still cling to the old ways. You send word and they can take care of your father, yes?"

Chris smiled and said, "Thanks, Mr. Rinaldi but it's ok. He's no longer a priority for me."

"Ok, but you are family and I take care of family. And I told you to call me Alex. Or Papa if you want. Now who's next? Ah, Trevor. I hear so much about you from my son."

"Don't believe half of what he says and the other half, he's usually in trouble with me!"

"I believe that. He just says you are his brother."

"We are. It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Rinaldi."

"You as well, Trevor. Now for Adrian. My son has kept me in laughter with his tales of you. He says your reads are hilariously brutal and that your singing voice is awe inspiring."

"Oh my! I'm blushing now. Thank you."

"Maybe I'll fly you to Italy to sing in the club at the resort for the summer. Would you like, Adrian? And maybe you can tell me what a read is."

"Are you freaking kidding me? Italy? Are you fuck... I mean, are you for real?"

He laughed and said, "Yes, Adrian. I've seen the videos. You and your band, this summer. All expenses paid. Please discuss and let me know. Of course, you all are invited as well. Giovanni, you will let me know, yes?"

"Papa, can we get through this vacation before we start planning the summer?"

"Speak for your damn self, Caramel Daddy! As soon as I get off this damn call, I'm putting out a mass text to the band! Stop trying to stifle my growth, locs! If Daddy Rinaldi wants me... he can have me."

My papa laughed and said, "Now I see the spirit, Giovanni! Adrian, no pressure, son. Take your time, yes?"

"Ok ok. Thank you so much! Now I see where Giovanni get his Zaddy vibes from. That smile... whew chile!"

Trevor pulled Adrian to his side. "Don't make me spank you, Lil Bit."

"Rude! Excuse you!"

I sighed and looked at my papa's amused face. "You are so loving this."

"What can I say, Giovanni. The cute boys loves your papa. Nico still sighs when he sees me."

"Ok, Papa. I will text you once we touch down, ok? Give Nonna my love."

"I will, mio figlio. Safe travels. Love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up and turned to the guys. "So, are yall ready to go? It's a five-hour flight."

We boarded and their phones came out as they recorded everything for whatever socials they were on. I was used to it but I understood their excitement. I sat in my seat and Chris sat next to me.

"Say hi, bae."

I kissed his cheek instead and he stopped recording. "You know what your kisses do to me, Gio."

"I know. Can't wait to make love to you on the beach."

"You can have me wherever you want me, baby."

"Signore Rinaldi, are you ready for takeoff, sir?"

I nodded to the pilot. "We're on your schedule, sir."

We finally took off and the flight crew made sure we had snacks and drinks. I don't know what Adrian and Trevor was on, but they were trying to suck each other's face off.

Chris whispered in my ear, "They haven't had sex in a while. Only once since Addi was kidnapped and that was a quickie."

"Oh damn. They are gonna be going at it all week then."


As soon as the plane leveled off, Adrian was in Trevor's lap. We looked at them for a minute like perverted voyeurs. Adrian threw his head back and Trevor attacked his neck.

"Think we ought to break them up?"

"Nah. Let em make it. Now if them niggas start getting loud, I'm pouring water on them."

"Nigga, I wish you would."

Trevor was smirking at us while Adrian was doing something to his ear.

"Well yall over there like humping bunnies and shit. What the fuck?"

"Don't be a hater, Gio. It's been a hectic ass semester and I..."

Trevor looked at Adrian as he got off his lap and walked to the bathroom. Tre's eyes followed him all the way and a slow smile appeared on his face.

"Excuse me, yall."

He went to the bathroom as well and then we faintly heard Adrian moaning.

Chris started laughing and I just sighed. This was definitely going to be an interesting week.

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