Love Triangles

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“Haley!” I whined. “I wanna go home!” How in the world did she expect me to come ‘golfing’ with her and not complain? The wind was going crazy and my hair was everywhere. I could hardly see where I was going.

“Come on, El! I’ll repay you somehow, but please just hurry up.” I groaned, but quickened my pace. You see my best friend, Haley, wanted to impress this Justin guy and he was going golfing so here I am keeping her company so she doesn't look like a loner. But who golfs in this weather? Like come on!

  “Alright, but you so owe me!” I tried to follow her, but this inevitable wind thought it was funny to not let me see! I could make a figure that looked to be Haley slightly ahead of me.  

“Watch out!” I heard a voice call out from my right. It was a natural instinct to turn my attention to the chaos. Only I saw a golf kart speeding right towards me. That was when I noticed the person was talking to me. I was in shock and my brain was yelling at my legs to move and get the hell out of there. But ya know, I have stubborn legs.  

I shut my eyes tightly and shielded my face with my arms, waiting for my death. Well would I die if I got crushed by the golf kart? Possibly. What in the world is wrong with me? Wait, why hasn't it hit me already? But I spoke to soon and everything blackened. 
“Do you think we should call an ambulance?” An unfamiliar voice asked. They had a funny accent though.   “

Eh, she’ll be alright.” Thanks Haley, love you too.  

“Are you sure?” The voice questioned again. My eyes finally opened and I blinked a few times as I tried to adjust my eyesight. So I wasn't dead. That’s good. Also I didn't feel any pain. That should be good too. I saw three figures huddled around me.  

“You alright?” The voice spoke again.

  “Um I've been better. Uh what, what happened exactly?” I asked as I sat up slowly on my elbows. The unknown voice was from this cute blonde dude who had a look of concern all over his face. Haley of course was there too. And the third was a really good looking guy with brown curly hair. Like really curly hair. I just wanted to brush my fingers through them, and the wind had it blowing everywhere.

“Well uh I was just messing around when you came out of nowhere and made no sign that you noticed us and we were about to crash into you, when I gained enough control and stopped the kart before it hit you.” The brunette answered.  

“Oh. Um so I never got ran over?”  

“Nope.” The blonde guy said, popping the p. 

“And I still fainted?”  

“Yup.” Wow that’s embarrassing.  

“For how long?”  

“Only like 5 minutes. I think you’ll be alright.” The curly hair dude said as he helped me up.

  “Dude! She just fainted. Here, let me have your number in case of anything." The blonde insisted. He finally got it from me and I learned his name was Niall and the other was Harry.


"Thanks, but I think I'll be fine, really." I put my phone back in my pocket.  

"Alright then. Later, Elena." Niall hugged me good-bye. As cute as he was, it was awkward because I'm not that very comfortable with people. And I hardly knew the dude, but he did seem extremely nice.  

"Bye." I smiled shyly and turned only to see I was alone. Oh yeah I forgot the minute I was able to stand up, Haley left since Justin called her over. She had the car keys, and there was no way I was staying here. I wanted to go home.  

I saw Harry jog in front of me, but only to pick up a golf ball. He was jogging back when he saw me and slowed down.  

"Aren't you going to go with your friends?" He asked curiously. I realized he was signaling to Justin and Haley and the other people they were with.  

"Oh um, well I'm not exactly their 'friend'. I came to accompany Haley while she got his attention." I pointed to Justin. "And now I just want to go home, but she's my ride so..." I started to fade out not knowing where I was going with this.  

"I don't think Niall will mind if we gave you a ride. We're leaving now if you want." He offered.  

Don't do it Elena. They're total strangers. But I REALLY wanted to go home. I had two options. Either let them give you a ride, or wait with Haley for God knows how long while being ignored by her because she's too busy flirting.  

"I don't want to cause trouble." I hesitated.  

"It's fine. It's the least we can do after I almost ran you over." He replied sweetly.  

"Okay then. Thanks." I smiled. He led me over to the parking lot where Niall was waiting next to a car. I'm no car expert but it seemed like a really expensive car.  

And then I realized it. Maybe it was because the car made me wonder how they had so much money and that made me come to the realization. But it hit me.  

"Wait, you guys are from One Direction." I accused. Harry chuckled while Niall laughed at me.  

"Took ya long enough. Your friend over der didn't seem too fond of us. While you were fainted, she expressed her feelings towards our band." Niall explained.  

"Oh yeah Haley hates boy bands. Sorry if she said anything really mean. If it helps I like your music." I said awkwardly.  

"It helps." Harry smiled as he opened the car door. He got in and started the car. Niall opened the back door for me. He climbed in after me.  

I actually had a good time talking to them. Niall and I clicked instantly. I learned so much about them. Niall was really funny and his laugh was so contagious I couldn't help but laugh along with him no matter what. He was so sweet, and that was the start of our friendship.

Love TrianglesWhere stories live. Discover now