Playing with Emotions

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So I am back once again thanks to Allison, my motivator. And I hope you enjoy this chapter I worked hard for it. I dunno why but I was really excited abut this chapter so yay! Read on...

Harry didn't tell me what they talked about. In fact, he acted like nothing happened.

"Well?" I asked as soon as he climbed into the bunk.

"Scoot over," he said as soon as entered, and ignored my question completely. I sighed loudly but did as I was told. He lay down and wrapped an arm around my stomach, cuddling me in.

"Well?" I repeated.

"What?" he asked dumbly, his hot breath hitting my neck as he spoke.

"What did you two talk about?"

"That's none of your business, love."

"Oh, but it is, love," I mocked his tone.

"Leave it alone, Elena. You wouldn't understand even if I told you," he started playing with my hair.

"Try me," I challenged.

"I already told you, you won't get it," he muttered. "So leave it." I wiggled uncomfortably in his arms.

"You know, I hate this," I whined.

He kissed me softly on the lips to make up for it. But he wasn’t so much in the gentle mood and you can probably guess how that ends up with Harold.

“Harry,” I pulled away. Stop treating me like a child!” I hate how he thinks he can just change the subject.

"I don't treat you like a kid," he protested.

"Yes, you do," I breathed.

"I don't think you're a kid," he leaned back a bit.

"Yes you do."

"No, I don't." He seemed to be enjoying this.

"Yes you do," I glared at him.

"Trust me sweetheart, I definitely don’t see you as a kid; if I did that would just be disturbing."

“Ugh,” I groaned at his difficultness.

“Aww don’t pout babe. I promise I don’t see you as a child. It’s just that what happened is a conversation for later. I just want to sleep right now.” And once again he changed the subject. I just decided to let it go, not in a mood to get him all riled up again.

He kissed me on the forehead, “Baby I love you. Don’t forget that,” his voice cracked.


We were in another hotel for their next concert. I took a much needed shower; I didn’t have time to on the bus because Zayn was in there for like 3 hours. So I was happy to finally get refreshed.

“You look really cute,” Harry commented seeing me in the clothes Niall and I picked out. Shoot Niall. I’ve texted him a bunch, but no reply. And he somehow managed to avoid me. Not that I was trying very hard to find him. I mean yeah at first I was curious to find him and ask him about what had happened. But then maybe it’s the best that we keep our distance. He was already mad and I didn’t want to bother him. If he wanted to be left alone, I’ll give him his space.

“Thanks,” I smiled. “So what’s the plan for today?”

“Well we have a concert tonight and one tomorrow, then we’re back on the road.”

“Alright. So what are we doing before the concert?”

Harry smiled, “You’ll find out.” His was smiling too much in my opinion, it was scaring me.

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