Fate's a funny thing

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Niall just kissed me. 

On the lips. 

Then he just left like that. 

And to be honest - his face didn't look the least bit regretful. 

Me? I was too shocked to respond in any way. I was frozen- glued to the spot Niall had left me and I didn't move an inch. 

That's exactly how Alli found me 15 seconds later. 

"Hey, I just saw Niall rush out. He totally ignored me. Did he come in here?" She questioned casually, oblivious to the events that just took place.

I nodded. At least that was some movement. In fact it was the only movement I had made. 

"You okay Elena? What happened?" She knew something was wrong or at least something happened when Niall came in here. Otherwise I wouldn't be like this and he wouldn't have ignored her. 

"He um...he just said he needed to use the loo." I answered honestly. 

"Oh. So he talked to you?"


he did more than just talk to me. 

"So isn't that good? I thought you guys haven't talked in weeks! You should be happy El!" She walked closer to me which finally snapped me out of it. 

I slumped lazily onto the couch. 

"Yeah I should. I just- I wish he wasn't ignoring me in the first place I guess." I replied plainly.

"Are you alright? You don't look so good." She slumped next to me. I did feel a little sick. 

"I'm fine. I just you know was shocked because he actually talked to me."

I was able to change the subject and was more than happy that I did. I couldn't handle any more questions or reminders of what had just happened. 

We talked, played a few games, went on twitter, and watched videos on YouTube. We watched the boys perform five songs but went back to their dressing room. You can only watch them perform so many times. 

And looking at Harry and Niall up there made me sick. It's not like they were being mean to each other. You could hardly tell that they weren't on best terms, which was okay. But every now and then I caught an evil glare that was so discreet it might not have even been there. 

But Harry did say they were 'working on it'. 

Alli and I listened to them performing from the dressing room as we sat in silence for the last few songs. We left the dressing room door wide open. 

She was on her phone and I was pretending to be on mine but really I was deep in thought. 

Should I just ignore the kiss? Did Niall regret it or was he trying to send a message? If so it wasn't clear enough. I mean maybe it was clear that he did have feelings for me but I couldn't even think of that possibility.

And the one question that I kept pushing further in my head would come back up every now and then. 

Should I tell Harry? 

And when I finally stopped pushing the thought and looked into it I came up with 4 conclusions. 

1) Harry would beat up Niall

2) I would cause the destruction of One Direction - proving senseless Louis right

3) Harry and Niall would just not end on good terms. 

Love TrianglesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora