The Fight

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<pre style="font-size: 13px; text-align: start; line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a;"><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: Arial;">"Maybe you should wait." Harry suggested.


We had arrived at the hotel over an hour ago. I wanted to see Niall, but for some reason Harry wouldn't let me go. He kept coming up with excuses like he's probably asleep, or maybe he was out eating. I told him that I didn't care but he insisted I stay. 

"You're not going," he said with a final tone in his voice.

"Oh but I am."

"I am not letting you," he stubbornly said.

"You don't own me," I raised my voice a bit.

"I'm your boyfriend," he said angrily.

"Please Harry?" I begged.

"Why can't you just wait? We're going to see him at lunch."

"Trouble in paradise?" Candice appeared in the bedroom of our hotel room.

Her bedroom was in the same hotel suite. There were two rooms and a kitchen and small tv area. She had gone to take a bath as soon as we got here, but she was finished now. And she was standing in the doorway with nothing but a towel on. I think my eyes were hurting.

"Not now Candice," Harry told her. He was a bit calmer than before.

Candice seemed slightly taken aback but she soon regained her posture. "What's the matter?" She asked us. She wasn't nosy in the slightest as you can see.

Nevertheless I answered her, it pains me but she's the only one who might knock some sense into him. "Harry won't let me go see Niall."

"And why is that Harold?" she should seriously put some clothes on.

"I just, I just don't understand why you know she can't wait for a little bit longer. We're meeting everyone for lunch," he seemed nervous and distracted. I wonder why. The sarcastic tone should be noted there.

"It sounds to me that you're a bit jealous."

"Of Niall? Please. I just want to spend a little more time with her that's all." It really did sound like he had just underestimated Niall. I've never seen Niall in that way, oh God no, he's like my big brother but he was good looking enough to be a competition to Harry.

"Then just let her go." Harry gave in and told me the room in which Niall was staying.

"Thank you!" I jumped giddily. I actually hugged Candice and kissed Harry on the cheek.


"James!" I hollered, tackling Niall to the ground as soon as he opened the door.

I felt his body relax once he realized that it wasn't some crazy fan that had managed to pass through the security. "Lena," he said and closed the door with his foot, "I've missed you."

He wrapped his arms around me. "I've missed you too Nialler," I buried my head in the crook of his neck and breathed in his scent.

Oh God, I really did miss this boy.

He was like my brother but so much more. I remember when everyone thought that we were going to end up together. Big shocker when Harry and I started going out. Especially to their band mates. 

We went over and sat on the couch in his room.

"So what's the craic?" 

"My fish drowned." I frowned. He started to crack up.

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