Go Away Candy

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"Babe it's time to get up." I slowly got out of bed and just stood there as I took in my surroundings.

 I looked over to see Harry shirtless, with loose jeans on. I could see his orange boxers. God he looked good in orange.

His hair was wet and he shook it a few times in my face.


"Thought I'd wake you up a bit. I called your name 4 times." He said in his low, husky voice.

"Oh really? Sorry." 

"Oh it's fine. You were a little occupied, checking me out." He winked at me.

"Whatever." I got a few clothes out, "I'm gonna shower. And I'm keeping your Jack Wills sweatshirt."

"Alright, it looks better on you anyways. Just come downstairs when you're done for breakfast." 

I went ahead and took a shower, brushed my teeth, and changed. 

I came down to see yet another scene I wish I didn't. 

Candice was sitting in Harry's lap. Giggling might I add.

I cleared my throat. Harry lifted his head from her to me. 

"Oh um El." He gently pushed her as a signal to get off. Which she did and sat in the chair beside him.

"There's some pancakes if you want." she pointed to a plate of pancakes. I helped my self and sat in the chair across from Candice.

"So when are you guys leaving?" Candice asked.

"Our flight's tonight." Harry answered as he took a big bite.

"Leaving so soon?" She pouted.

"Oh my god Harold!" Gemma came downstairs. "There are so many fans outside. And how do suppose I get to my classes? If I'm late again, you're dead." she complained.

"Wait what? Fans?" Harry looked over at me. You see Harry and I have kept our relationship...private. I have enough insecurities. I don't need bratty, little girls pointed out all my flaws. Harsh, but true. It's just all the drama that comes with being Harry Styles girlfriend. So we decided to avoid it. Of course there's been pictures of me with the boys, the world just knows me as Niall's buddy or best friend.

"Yeah, they're all waiting outside. 15 at the least. Let's hope I make it out alive." Gemma took a quick bite of Harry's pancake. I laughed a her exaggeration. "Hey I have classes till 7:15 so I don't know if I'll see you before you leave." She hugged Harry and his expression made my heart twitch.  "I love you Harold. Be a good boy, take care of yourself and most importantly your girl." Then she whispered something in his ear, he responded by nodding. Then she stood straight up with a wide smile as if she didn't have a sweet and intense moment with her little brother. "Later Scar, I'll most likely see you soon." she kissed Harry on the cheek, then pinched it and came over to me. "It's been a pleasure getting to know you El. I'll have to get your number from Harold because I was supposed to leave 5 minutes ago and sorry for my short goodbye but buh-bye loves. MWAH!" she kissed her palm and ran out the door with her shoes in her hand and car keys in the other. I smiled at the scene. 

"So you guys going straight to America? Too bad. Always wanted to go there." Candice said. Harry smiled widely before looking over at me. 

"Um babes, can you get me a shirt please? I'm a little cold." Harry kissed my forehead. 

Normally I would've told him to do it himself, but I let it slide.


"Thanks, you're the best." I put away my plate and jogged up to his room. I grabbed a white T-shirt in his closet and as soon as I was leaving, Harry came up making me go back inside his room.

"Guess what?" He shouted.


"I said guess," he told me.

"You're gay?" I teased.

"You of all people should know that's not true," he raised both of his eyebrows suggestively.

"What is it?" I could feel myself starting to blush.

"It's settled!" he announced proudly.

"What's settled?" I rubbed the back of my head.

"Candy's coming too," he smiled.

"Huh?" I asked. Candice entered the room and pulled me into a bone crashing hug.

Help. Cannot breath. Mayday. SOS.

"I'm coming with you in America, silly," she said as she let me go. "Isn't that wonderful?"

I nodded, hesitantly. I tried to look excited as Candice made me join a group hug.

But I couldn't help but frown.

Candice was coming to America with us.

Oh shit.

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