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Yay! Another chapter. You can thank Allison for that, and you can thank her by checking out her story 'My Best Friend, and Mate' and enjoy!

The boys had their concert and we were once again back on the road! I think Alli is coming back soon…I don’t know I wasn’t really paying attention to Liam at that moment. I’ll just ask him later or text her!

Louis, Eleanor, Harry, and I were watching a scary movie on the tour bus.

"No, don't go in there," Eleanor screamed.

I buried my face further into Harry's neck, causing him to smirk. We were about half way into 'The Ring' - it was a brilliant idea of Louis to watch the movie, he basically forced El and I to sit on the couch. I had given up watching it ten minutes into the film, and just used Harry as my personal pillow trying to block out the suspenseful music. I was never a big fan of scary movies, El however couldn't tear her eyes away from the screen - except of course when she was snogging Louis.

"Can you keep it down?" a very grumpy Zayn shouted from his bunk. I swear Zayn's schedule consists of sleeping, eating, singing, smoking and then sleeping again. Of course, he didn't get an answer as the love birds were too busy making out.

"What's the point of having a movie on when nobody is watching it?" Liam had just walked in the small living room of the tour bus. He sighed as everyone ignored him.

"Hey," Louis protested when the voices of the TV were suddenly cut off.

"Oi shut up Tommo," Liam teased, "You weren't watching it anyway."

"I'm capable of multitasking, you know."

"A little hard to watch a movie when your eyes are closed, Lou." Harry chuckled softly, and El giggled.

"Whatever," he answered and grabbed Eleanor's hand, "Come on,” they left.

I sat up straight and stretched my arms, as Liam plopped down on the couch right across from us. Harry's eyes were glued to his phone while Liam's eyes were stuck on Harry. After a few minutes of silence and Harry either ignoring or being oblivious of the pointing look Liam was giving him, the older boy cleared his throat.

"What?" Harry asked, finally noticing the other's boy's glare, "What have I done?"

"You know exactly what you've done," he answered. Liam looked more serious than ever.

"No Liam, I don't," he said slowly, like he was talking to a child. Though his tone sounded so angry that had it been a child he was talking to, the child would be in tears by now.

Liam groaned loudly, "You're so stubborn you know that right? Just admit that you're wrong and get over it already."

"Oh, of course. I'm the one getting blamed once again."

"No one is blaming you," Liam sighed.

Harry didn't answer immediately. I desperately wanted to ask what was going on, but I was too afraid to speak up. Though I knew that Liam was not going to hurt me however angry he was, there was no guarantee Harry would have acted the same way. After all, he had done it before.

"Whatever Liam," he mumbled, "Just whatever."

"We've got a show tonight, Haz. And you know as well as I do that the fans will realize if something is off with you two again tonight. Just try to work this out, alright?" he pleaded.

"That's what you don't understand. There's nothing to work out. He just needs to grow a pair and accept it. There are plenty of other girls lining up for him, there's no need for him to be with my bird all the time."

Okay, you don't have to be a genius to figure out that I was their topic of conversation - well Niall and I were.

"Look, I'm sure they both can assure you that they had never been anything more than friends."

"Harry," I placed a hand on his knee, "We've already went over it. There's nothing going on between Niall and me."

"They're just friends," Liam repeated.

"Well excuse me guys but I don't like my girl getting so friendly with my band mate." 

Liam shook his head. "Just relax. I chose you and that's all that matters right?" I tried to comfort him.

"Yeah, except that Niall won't accept it. He's just acting so childish. He didn't seem to mind all that much after he left the hotel room. But then at the concert yesterday, whatever he'd done to me he'd done it with a bit too much force than necessary and then today he wouldn't even call me by my name, so I started playing his game and as you see," he glared at Liam, "Once again I'm getting all the blame."

"Once again," Liam mimicked, "No one is blaming you."

"Of course," he replied sarcastically.

I didn't say anything. I was certain that Niall's rough behavior towards Harry had something to do with the fact that I told him he had hurt me.

"Just please Harry, just-" Liam started but hushed immediately when the sound of footsteps coming closer was heard. His face broke into a smile, "Hi Niall."

I turned my head to the right, and sure enough, Niall was standing there. He ran a hand through his messy blond hair, "Payne," he greeted. He sat down next to him, not even doing as much as glancing at neither me nor Harry. 

An arm wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me closer to the body next to me. Nobody spoke. Awkward couldn't begin to describe the atmosphere.

"Harry," Liam spoke up, "Don't you have something to say to Niall?" Niall's eyebrow rose and looked at Harry, for the first time since he walked in the room, expectantly.

"No Liam," he repositioned himself on the couch so his head was lying on my lap, "As a matter of fact I do not."

"Harry," he warned as I sighed. Harry must be the most stubborn person ever - hands down.

He didn't seem fazed at all. I started running my hands through his hair, silently praying that it would help him calm down enough to apologize to Niall. For what he would be apologizing I wasn't quite sure. But still.

Needless to say, my gestured didn't relax Harry as I had hoped it would. No, instead it gave him the wrong idea. He looked up to me and shot me a cheeky smile, before doing the unexpected. He turned his head around on my lap, so he was facing my stomach, grasped my shirt with his hand and rose it just enough so he could bury his head inside.

"Harry," I gasped when he started kissing around my stomach. "Harry," I repeated. My pleads seemed to edged him on, as he placed his hand on my hip, holding me down. My cheeks started to heat up.

Shoot, he's actually doing this in front of Liam and Niall. 

"Harry," alright that wasn't my voice. I glanced at Niall whose hands were clenched in fists on his lap. Harry breathed on my stomach, he didn't move his head away but he had stopped kissing me. At least that was something. "Can't you see it's making her uncomfortable?" Niall continued, his cheeks were red, too, but for entirely different reasons.

"Alight, that's it," Harry stated firmly, "that's just it." With one quick move, not only did he withdraw his head from the inside of my tee but he had managed to stand up too. Impressive.

He towered over Niall, and I could bet he was glaring at him. "Harry what are you doing?" Liam wondered quietly.

"Just shut up Liam, just shut up." The way he said it made me want to crawl in a ball and cry my eyes out...and not in the good fangirling way. It was scary. "Elena," he carried on - anyone could see that he was struggling to remain calm, "Go to my bunk." It was an order.


"Go to the freakin bunk, El," he hissed, "Now." I winced as he kicked the couch, right next to Niall's leg.

"W-why?" I stuttered.

"Niall and I need to talk."

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