The Dare

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I made my way back to the table and everyone seemed to have forgotten the recent events and had moved on to another conversation. I sat down quietly to see my seven layer salad laid out before me.

I noticed Alli giving me a concerned look. I smiled to tell her I was fine. She just nodded and went back to her food. 

I, on the other hand, picked at my green, leafy meal. I ate a good portion of it, but it was pretty tasteless and not at all fulfilling. 

As I was reaching for my drink, I felt a nudge. I turned to Niall, who had nudged me.

"We can go grab a bite later, if you want. Find something more filling than a salad." he whispered.

"Thanks, Nialler." Like I said, he could usually read me like a book. I thought Harry knew me better. No he does, he just chose to ignore it because he thinks I'm too fat. 

"El, why aren't you eating your salad?" Harry asked as his conversation with Zayn ended.

"I'm not that hungry right now." He gave me a look. He knew that wasn't true. Me not hungry after the last meal I had was on the plane? 

"You want to pack it for later?" He suggested.

"Sure," I shrugged.

Ha. Not eating it now, not eating it later.

He just looked at me weirdly before nodding and going back to Zayn. 


"We're not all going to fit in!" Eleanor frustrated from being squished in the corner of the elevator, pushed Louis. The force made Louis bump into Candice, who crashed into Harry, who pushed me, causing me to stumble, taking Niall with me out of the elevator. 

"Sorry," I said to Niall.

"It's cool," he shrugged it off, "It's not like you ate my last cupcake."

Liam, Alli, and Zayn were lucky and didn't get pushed at all.

"We'll take the next elevator," Niall waved them off, and the doors were already closing. We waited a bit, but Niall had a better idea. "So how about we go grab that bite?"

Before I chance to reply, my stomach answered for me with a loud and unattractive growl. It was a good thing it was only in front of Niall, or that would be embarrassing.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes." He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the hotel doors.

We got a cab and went to McDonald's. 

"You what?" I gasped as Niall laughed. "You're so mean that's not funny!" I playfully hit him, trying to hold in my laughter.

He paused to say, "I can see you smiling. Come one admit it. It was funny!" Then he started to laugh again until he was out of breath. "Here, look." He took out his phone and showed me a picture of Alli with green, like emerald green, hair.

I couldn't hold it in at the sight of her red, furious face and green hair. 

"Chr..Christmas!" Was all I managed to choke out as I pointed at his phone. 

Apparently when Alli went to dye her hair red, Niall managed to trick her and it turned out green. 

"She stayed inside for 2 days until Liam bought her the red dye."

"Niall!" I started in a disappointed voice, "Send me the picture!"

We finished our food and headed back to the hotel. Luckily we only encountered fans twice within our little trip. 

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