The Styles Family

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<pre style="font-size: 13px; text-align: start; line-height: 17px; color: #2a2a2a;"><span style="line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica;"><span style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal;">"Niall! Get off of me!" I laughed. Yes it was painful to have him sitting on my stomach while he was enjoying my ice cream, but it was hilarious at the same time.

"Okay just wait until I finish eating." He shifted into a more comfortable position...for him. For me on the other hand, it was just too much pressure on my poor stomach.

"If you finish my ice cream, I will murder you in your sleep James!" I threatened. I always called him by his middle name when I got mad at him. He immediately jumped off of me, but continued to devour my precious dessert. I jumped on his back and reached for it. I was so close when it fell out of his grip and on to the floor.

"You little Irish-" Harry clamped his hand over my mouth before I could finish my sentence. It's not like I was going to say anything bad.

"Okay calm down El. We can get you another ice cream." He removed his hand from my mouth. Good, because if it were there for only 2 seconds longer, I would've licked it.

"Yeah Lena, it was only an ice cream," Niall stuck his tongue at me. Niall was the only person that called me Lena, but I didn't mind.

I had known the boys for 6 months now. Niall and I had become best friends instantly. He was like the brother I never had and I loved him so much. It took me a little longer to warm up to Harry. But we're really close now. In fact we've been dating for almost 4 months. I've met the other boys too, but I don't spend as much time with them. Zayn and I are pretty close, I like his company. Liam is a great friend and you would be stupid to not be friends with the adorable, innocent puppy-boy. Louis though, hates my guts. I have no clue why. When we first met, we didn't talk much or anything. Then I started dating Harry, and he began the torment.

"You better buy me another one Ni." I growled.

"Aww you're so cute when you're mad," he teased and ran before I could do anything.

"Come on babe, I'll get you another one." Harry put his arm around my shoulder.

"It's fine Harry you don't have to buy me anything." I hated it when he wanted to waste his money on me. "So before Niall interrupted us, what did you want to tell me?" I changed the subject.

"Oh right, well I've already talked to your mom and she is fine with the plan. Actually, I think it'll be harder to convince you to agree." This worried me a bit. Harry could probably sense me tense up, because he sat me down on the couch and held me close. "I was wondering if you would like to come with me to America for the tour."

"Oh my gosh harry! I..I would love to. You know I've always wanted to go to America! This is so amazing!" I babbled enthusiastically.

"But before we go to America, I'm making a quick stop at my parents. And well, can you come with me? We'll only stay for a while. I really do miss my family, it's about time you met them. Then we are going straight to America." oh. His Parents. Well this should be interesting. I thought about it for a while, before agreeing.

"I guess it won't be that bad." I said. Harry had a wide smile plastered on his face.


To say I was nervous was an understatement.

I was shaking as terrible scenarios played in my head.

"Relax El, it'll be fine." Harry put his hand on my thigh in an attempt to comfort me. Unfortunately, it wasn't helping at all.

"They're going to hate me. I just know it." Aren't I optimistic?

"They won't hate you. Your mom didn't hate me." True. In fact she loved him. But he's Harry Styles. Everyone liked him: Babies, teens, adults, grandparents. He was just so charismatic.

"Yeah but you're you and I'm me." I argued.

"Well if it helps I think you're adorable." He sent me his signature smile that had my knees going weak like always.

"Eyes on the road Styles. And you're my boyfriend. You're supposed to find me adorable."

"We're here." He said suddenly. No! "Oh and they don't know we're coming." He got out of the car.

"What do you mean they don't know we're coming?" I didn't budge.

"I mean I wanted to surprise them."

"Turn around."

"What? Elena don't be ridiculous."

"Get in the car and drive us back to the airport. I changed my mind I'm not ready." He gently helped me get out of the car.

"Okay just stay here it'll be fine I'm here okay baby." He rang the doorbell and I hid my small frame behind his masculine one.

Maybe this will be like the fairy tales where his family loves me and we all live happily ever after.

"Harry? Is that really you? Oh my god. I've missed you so much, come here." The door opened and Anne, Harry's mother came out. She gave him multiple kisses on his face.

"Mum. Mum! There's someone I want you to meet." He stepped to the side revealing tiny me and I gave a shy wave and weak smile.

"This is Elena, my girlfriend." This is the part where she loves me because I'm make Harry happy and all.

"Girlfriend huh."

"Yes. I've heard so much about you, Mrs. Styles." This is the part where she says 'oh dear just call me Anne'.

"Can't say the same for you." She looked me up and down.

"Mum!" Harry warned.

"What? It's just the truth." She mumbled under her breath. "Come in." She stepped to the side as I followed Harry inside and she closed the door behind us.

"Everyone's in the living room."

"Everyone?" Harry asked confused as I looked around his house. It was really nice.

"Didn't you know? Candice and Channel are staying since George left them. They can't afford rent at the moment so I offered a place for a while." Harry nodded, but I was completely confused.

"Harry!" A guy stood up and have Harry a manly hug.

"Rob! Nice to see ya man."

"Harry?" A pretty girl stood up.

"Gemma!" Harry pulled away from Rob and gave her a hug.

"You idiot why didn't you say you were coming?"

"Surprise?" Harry shrugged. Gemma scoffed. He turned to the woman sitting next to Gemma.

"It's nice to see you Mrs. Smith. How are you?"

"Doing better Harry dear. Still dealing with George's absence." Then Harry turned to this blonde girl with blue and kind of greyish eyes. She looked about his age.

"Candy? Long time no see eh." He opened his arms.

"And who's fault is that?"

"Just shut up and hug me." She stood up and gave Harry a big hug. He kissed her forehead and his lips lingered for a bit too long.

"Harry?" He turned to Rob who had spoken. "Who's this?"

"Oh um...Elena. My erm girlfriend." I hope it was just my imagination that heard the disappointment in his voice.

"This is Rob, my step-father. My sister, Gemma. My mum's good friend, Channel Smith. And her daughter or an old friend of mine, Candice." He introduced them to me one by one.</span></span></pre>

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