Do you forgive me?

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A tear fell down my cheek.

I took a step back. How could he? Howdarehe slap me?

"Oh God," he whispered. I felt his hand on my cheek again. I whimpered and flinched away. "Elena?" He asked.

"Elena?" He repeated when I didn't answer him. He grabbed my chin softly. "Baby look at me," he continued, "Please?" He added. He gently forced me to face him.

He seemed shocked. "I'm so sorry," he told me sincerely. He pulled me into a hug, my hands stayed glued to my sides.

"Let go of me," I said. It was barely audible. In response he hugged me tighter.

"I'm really sorry," he mumbled into my hair.

"Let me go," I repeated shaking my head. He didn't.

"I'm truly sorry," he apologized. I didn't bother answering. We stood there for a couple of minutes; Him hugging me and whispering how sorry he was while I was trying to break free from his hug.

A ding sounded, indicating that the lift had stopped at our floor. Took it long enough.

Harry brought his hands from my back to my waist. "Does it hurt?" he asked softly.

It wasn't a fierce or a hard slap, by any means. It did hurt, just a bit, though.

But my pride was hurt more than anything, if we're being honest.

It wasn't painful, it wasn't the kind of slap that caused your vision to blur but still, it was abuse.

He had abused me.

I never thought that sweet, cheeky Harry was capable of hitting someone.

"El, does it hurt?" he asked once again.

"No," I tried to sound firm but my voice cracked.

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

He brought me in for a hug. Again. I didn't hug him back. Again.

"You know I'm sorry right?" You've mentioned it a couple of times. "I never meant for it to happen. It's my temper. You know, how bad my temper is. Gosh I can't believe I hit you. I don't know what got into me. You insulted Candy and I just lost it. If I could turn back time, you know, I wouldn't have done it. It was so stupid of me. But I'm sorry. I really am," he took a deep breath and looked directly into my eyes, "Am I forgiven?"

"You slapped me," I said faintly.

"And you've got no idea how much I regret it," he added, "It will never happen again. I promise you. It was stupid. Do you forgive me now?" he pleaded.

"Harry I," I sighed, "I shouldn't."

"You shouldn't?" He narrowed his eyes.

I shook my head. "What you did," I started carefully, "Was wrong Harry. I can't just forgive you." I looked at the ground.

"You can't?" he asked.

Once again I shook my head.

He glanced at me and a small smirk appeared on his lips. "There is no such thing as I can't Elena, only I don't want to."

That doesn't even make sense. I've always wanted to marry Zac Efron, I mean who doesn't right? But am I married to him? No I'm not. Do I want to get married to him? Hell yes.

But I can't.

So this proves Harry wrong. There is such a thing as 'I can't'.

In your face Styles.

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