Secrets Break Out

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First of all, for all of you who read this part, I want to thank everyone for reading my story and keeping up with my ridiculous updating patterns. i'm extremely sorry I did not realize it was almost 4 months and I feel horrible. yeah I'm a bad person, please dont hate me. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Please let me know what you think. A special thank you to @Stalkerofperfection because her comment reminded me to update. Love you all and I honestly thank you and your patience because I procrastinate a lot. <3 

I really don't know what I was thinking when I told Harry I'd stay one more day. I was probably thinking oh it'll be fine really. Everything will be totally fine. I'll get to spend my birthday with my boyfriend and my friends even though our situation was so messed up at the moment. Boy was I wrong. If I knew the outcome of today, I would have packed my bags and left this morning.


Harry and I went to join the others after our talk. We passed Louis, Candy, and Zayn whom were chatting in the kitchen. And we went to the movie room to find Liam, Alli, Eleanor, and Niall. They were watching YouTube videos on the television screen and I was confused on how they got internet. 

"Hey," Harry announced as they acknowledged our presence, but continued to watch. 

We sat on the empty couch and joined in on the video, which was hilarious. I found out that the screen was connected to Liam's phone, which explains how he had internet. And it was nice to hang out with them and not worry about drama. 

The rest of the day was actually really nice and we arrived in Chicago the following night. We'd stay in the same hotel for three days, but I'd be gone by then anyways. Harry talked to me about it and reminded me that I don't have to go and nothing should be final, but I really did just need some time to think. We argued/chatted for some time about it before going to bed. I could tell he was really fighting me to stay, and to be honest I didn't want to go, but with the situation I can't be selfish; I need to do what's right.


I woke up to an empty bed in the hotel room. It was 9:00 am and I was starving. But being me, I went and showered and pampered myself before even leaving the room for others to see me zombie-like. 

As I was slipping my sneakers on, I checked my phone. I had 14 new messages.

From: Haley J.

Omg we haven't talked in forever El! If you even remember me, but Happy Birthday gurl I love you!(: have a great day and come back soon! Xox

I laughed at her sweet message, which was most definitely true. I hadn't seen any of my other friends since the beginning of summer. I kinda missed London, but I'd be there soon anyways. I checked my other messages

From Nialler(;

Lena! Guess what? It's your Birthday! Wow can u believe it? You feelin good today? you better. YAY!

From: Nialler(;

Happy Birthday Lena you're 18 Gah!

From Nialler(;

Hey you were born in the morning 

right? I don't want to miss it but we're at rehearsal and interviews so sorry. Love you! Happy Birthday

I laughed as I read 3 more messages from Niall along those lines. He seemed just as excited as me, and even more surprised. And he had his goofy spelling mistakes.

From: Alli

OMG Happy Birthday!!! When you wake up come see us we're waiting and love you! AHHH! xoxo ;)

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