Breaking Point

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Hey guys I'm back! Big thanks to MissChapterChick for her comment which reminded me to update! Also I'm planning on ending the story soon if everything works out... I'm not exactly sure haha. but I'd really like a lot of intel on this chapter. let me know your thoughts at the end of this chapter please! Go ahead, read on(;

Four days. I had managed to stay invisible from any acquaintance of mine in relation to One Direction for a good 96 hours.  


Niall had left me alone with my drowning thoughts and that was probably the second time I had felt somewhat betrayed by him. Each time, of course, wasn't really his fault. It all led back to me. The only other time I recall is when I decided to stay with Harry after he had hurt me and embarrassed me in front of Candice. This also happened the day after I told him I chose him over Niall, which has me second guessing myself. And this time I kissed him despite my feelings, whatever they were, causing him to leave. It was all my fault. I kept ruining our relationship and sending mixed signals because I couldn't figure them out for myself.  


But the 96 hours had ended around 2:00 pm when there was a ringing echoing throughout the apartment. My mum yelled for me to answer the door and went back to her snooze, not missing a beat while snoring. She had had an early shift at work today and usually she would end up sleeping for the rest of the day.  


When I opened the door, not bothering to look through the peephole, I was met with another person I had left almost three weeks ago in the States.  


They smiled warmly as if they were asking for permission for something. They didn't wait for an answer and hugged me.  




I hugged back without hesitating before stepping to the side as an invitation. "What are you doing here?" I asked excitedly.  


"I missed you. You left the face of the earth without saying anything about coming back and now that we're all in London, I figured to come find you myself." 


We went to the couch and sat down. I was still pretty shocked at what was happening. "I'm so sorry. That wasn't one the smartest things I've done, but I've missed you too Alli." I smiled.  


"Of course you have," she joked. "So what have you been up to?" She asked casually. I knew she was curious but tried to restrain herself from prying any further for my sake. 


"I've got a babysitting job and I've basically been hanging with some old friends," I started. "And Niall came by the other day." My voice was a lot softer. It was too late to take it back now and it would no longer be a secret. A part of me felt bad and wondered if Niall wanted me to keep quiet about that night.  


"Wait what? What happened? What did he say? What did you do?" She started firing me questions.  


"I don't know he came by... he was about to leave but I had just got back home so I found him outside the apartment was weird... We didn't talk much. He left quickly it was awkward." I left out most details.  


"Oh." Alli was slowly taking it in.  


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