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Haha hey guys. Um remember me? Yeah I'm the girl that disapperead from the face of earth but I'm back! Yay(: You have Lauren to thank for that. So lemme know what you think and read, if you want. I hope you enjoy..

I swear to God, Harry was on drugs.

Harry Styles has got to be kidding me.

I get that he was mad at me for interrupting our little kiss, which mind you wouldn't have led to anything. I mean I totally get why he would be angry though. He's a teenage boy.

But implying that I had something going on with Niall and there was no room for both of them in my life. He was so in for it.

Sadly, I am a girl of words and no actions. No, let me rephrase that. I am a girl of thoughts and...period. Yeah, thoughts and period. I think a lot, I know what I want to say but for some weird reason I can't say it out loud. I blame it on my genes. So I mainly either shut up or end up saying the complete opposite of what I intended to.

But this time I opened my mouth, and I swear I was ready to stand up for myself but Niall beat me to it,

"Mate, have you gone bonkers?" He was leaning against the bedroom's door, both hands crossed over his chest and an eyebrow crooked.

Harry finally tore his gaze away from me, and I'm saying finally because he had been starring so intensely at me for the past five minutes that I thought I would melt under his gaze. "Can you for once not butt in while I'm talking to my girlfriend?" Niall sighed and Harry turned back to me.

"So who is it gonna be?" he asked me softly, "Your boyfriend or him?" he pointed towards Niall.

"Come on, Harry, you're not being fair." Niall approached us carefully.

"Why?" Harry smirked, his eyes were locked on mine. "Afraid she's gonna choose me over you?" He inched closer to me as he saw how Niall was nearing me and put his hands on my hips, rubbing small circles on them.

I fought the initial feeling to lean into him and took a step back. "But why do I have to choose one of you?" I selected my words carefully.

"Because damn it, you're mine and I don't like sharing my things," he shouted.

"Stop yelling at her," Niall barged in.

I shot him a thankful smile, "First of all I am not an object, Harry. I don't belong to anyone." I was actually quite proud of how steady and firm my voice sounded. "What if I don't choose?" I challenged.

Harry's eyes grew wide as soon as I said that. He shook his head, "If you don't choose me I," he paused, "I'm sorry but we'd have to end things here."

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"You heard me," he spat out. "If you don't choose at all it would be like you've chosen Niall for me. And if you don't choose me then we're done." he said coldly.

I had not been expecting that at all. So I was in a little dilemma. If I choose Niall or if I didn't choose at all I would lose Harry. And I can't lose Harry. Harry, he's my everything, I'm in love with him. But If I choose Harry I would lose Niall. And Niall is my best friend, as cheesy as it may sound; he's my rock to lean on.

And I just couldn't do it. How can you choose between oxygen and water?

You don't. You can't.

I could feel tears in my eyes as I opened my mouth, "then I guess this is it," I sniffled, "I really can't choose, I just can't," I whispered.

Harry looked at me with a pained expression painted on his face. "Then we're-"

"No wait," Niall interrupted him. He ran a hand through his messy, blonde hair. "Can you give me a minute with her?" He asked Harry hesitantly.

"Where would I go? We're locked in the room," Harry answered through gritted teeth.

"Just go on the other side," he said and took my hand leading me towards the corner of the room and as far away from Harry as possible. I could feel Harry's eyes on us.

Niall grabbed the sides of my face with both hands, causing me to look up to him. "Why are you doing this to yourself?" he whispered.

The tears started falling at that moment, "I can't do it," I told him as he started brushing my tears away.

"Of course you can! Isn't it obvious? You have to choose Harry."

"But what about you? I can't lose you," I gulped.

"You will never lose me. I will always be here. I'm not the one making you choose. You have to choose Harry," he repeated, "do you understand me?" I remained silent. "I said do you understand me Elena?"

"I.." I started. "Yes."

He gave me a bittersweet smile, "Good. Now push me."


"Push me, make it seem like we're having a fight." I stood on my tiptoes to see Harry over Niall's shoulder. He was looking at us intensely trying to figure out what we were saying. Quite hard as Niall and I were the masters of whispering. Plus he could only see Niall's back.

"Push me and say you're done with me," he repeated more firmly. "Then go to him and tell him that you've chosen him."

"But what if he asks me why we were fighting."

"Tell him that I pressured you to choose me and when you refused I insulted both you and him. Capeesh?" I nodded and sniffled. "So do it."

I took a deep breath and placed my hands on Niall's chest. He nodded at me. "I'm so done with you," I yelled. Well I hoped it sounded like a yell because to me it sounded like a pathetic cry. I pushed him and he stumbled back, mind you he was a very good actor because I had not pushed him nearly as hard as he made it seem.

Harry was next to me in a matter of seconds. "What happened?" he asked me softly. "What did you do to her?" he shouted at Niall.

Niall glared at him. "It doesn't matter," I whisper and buried myself in his chest. I was crying waterfalls and I was pretty sure that I was wetting his shirt but I couldn't care less. He wrapped his hands around me and started rocking me. "It doesn't matter," I said again. "I'm so sorry," I sniffled. "I- I choose you." His grip tightened around me and he left a sloppy kiss on my forehead.

"I love you," he said loud enough for Niall to hear.

"I love you too."

And I did. I did love him. That I was sure of. And that was the right choice. Harry was the right choice. Even Niall said so.

But then why did I feel so guilty?

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