Let's be friends

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"Hey how was it?" Harry gave me a peck on the lips when he returned to our hotel room.

"It was fun, nice catching up with El. But something happened." I handed back my change to Harry.

"Elena, this is more than half of what I gave you." he frowned.

"A girl can only carry so many bags." I made up an excuse.

He just took the change from my hands, "So what happened?" he furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

"Well we were shopping and talking and stuff, when these fans came over. They were being a bit rude. One of them said that you could take a trip down her avenue anytime." Harry joked on his breath, "Really?" I nodded, "And um one girl called me an ugly potato so basically Eleanor let it slip out that we're dating. Are you mad?"

"Oh erm wow. Of course I'm not mad. I mean I'll have to talk to management and stuff but I'm fine with it as long as you are."

"Really? Oh thank goodness I thought you were going to be mad with me." I sighed in relief. 

"How is that?" 

"I dunno."

"Well I'm fine with it." Harry entwined our fingers together and kissed my knuckles. 'And I most definetly do not think you are an ugly potato."

I was glad to hear him say that because apart of me felt like Harry was ashamed of me. This was definitely reassuring. "So how was rehearsal?" "It was nice, but really exhausting." Harry tumbled onto the bed. I contemplated in my head whether I should bring up the topic of the secrets he's been hiding from me. Of course I was curious as to why there was so much drama between Harry and I going out. I was puzzled to why he never mentioned any of it to me, especially since it was the reason why his best friend treated me so rudely. But I decided on keeping my mouth shut for now. "Can you come lie down with me?" He gave me his puppy dog face. "Fine I guess," I joked. Suddenly my phone beeped, it was an unknown number. We need to talk. Please? Meet for breakfast tomorrow?

                -Candice xoxo



If you chew your gum like a retarded cow, we can't be friends.

Arriving half an hour late for a meeting you've arranged, won't get you in my good books either.

To keep it short, the chances of Candice and I becoming friends are slimmer than the chances of me receiving my Hogwarts acceptance letter.

I was fed up with her. And I'm saying this in the nicest way possible.

I was forced to wake up at seven a.m. this morning just because she wanted us to meet for breakfast. Precious little Candice needed us to talk.

 And she wanted to talk at eight freaking in the morning.

Harry imposed me to agree. He literally did - he even typed my reply to her, telling her how much I'd loved to meet up with her, at eight freaking in the morning. I don't even know how she got my number, since I don't recall us ever exchanging numbers. 

I totally did not give Harry the silent treatment for the rest of the night, because you know, I was so looking forward at meeting one of my favorite people in the whole wide world, first thing in the morning.

That was sarcasm people.

Harry was excited enough for both of us. To him, that was the start of a beautiful friendship between his bestie (yes, he did refer to her as a ‘bestie') and his girlfriend. To me, it was yet another obstacle that separated me from my sleep.

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