The End End

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So I wrote this part more recently and I thought just to give certain people closure (including myself) and an alternate turn on the story. Anyways thanks to everyone who has been with me through my crazy roller coaster story and I hope you all are doing well. Thanks again, I love you all. I can't believe the story is actually over. I can't believe I actually finished it. Yes I am terrible for taking forever just to do this. <3 Enjoy(:

My eyes stayed locked on my dirty converse. The yellow-green grass stains were still there. The whole situation felt oddly familiar, yet it was totally unexpected at the same time.

Harry and I were sat next to each other on a small hill near the park. It was close enough to see the few tents and kids running around, but far enough that we didn't hear anything except for faint music and laughter.

Harry asked to talk to me alone, but I just walked off. I walked until I got to the hill and sat. He had joined me hesitantly, probably expecting me to fight him off, but I didn't. I didn't know if our friends were keeping their distance, watching from afar, or leaving us alone. I didn't know if they were holding Niall back or if he even wanted to interrupt.

I just sat there hugging my knees besides a stretched out Styles, resting back on his hands. Even though it was silent, it was remotely nice. We were facing the pink and orange sky, and the golden warmth felt nice as it glazed over us. I closed my eyes, now focusing on the feeling of the moment; the fresh scent of being outside, the intoxicating enthusiasm from the park, and the intimacy of Harry and me. For once, my stress was all gone.

"I'm sorry." Normally I would react and struggle to form a coherent response, but I stayed motionless and relaxed with my eyes closed. I could see various colors in my mind floating along the black landscape. "Elena, what did I do?" he breathed more to himself. I could sense his movement and peeked open an eye to satisfy my curiosity. He had his face in his hands. I opened my other eye and put a hand on his head, inviting my hands to sink into his curls. My fingertips grazed slowly.

When I felt him begin to move again, I moved my hand reluctantly. He bent his head back so that the sun hit it perfectly. I smiled when his skin glistened. He then moved to lie down on his back, hands behind his head, one leg crossed over the other. I mimicked his movement slightly, laying on my side so I was facing him, with my head resting on my hands. I was curled next to him, staring at his wounded face.

When he opened his eyes and looked at me he groaned. Even the slightest of eye contact gave me goosebumps. I decided it was safe to look at his lips rather than his eyes. "I really messed up." For some reason I couldn't resist looking back up at his eyes. "I hurt you. I ruined us. I didn't fix it. I lost you." his voice was so monotone. "I messed up."

Where was he going with this? If he was expecting me to forgive him and pity him for finally feeling bad he was wrong. "Harry we can't possibly be healthy for each other." we hadn't broken eye contact.

"And Niall is?"

"He hasn't treated me the way you have."

"Shit, you think I don't know that El?" Normally, I would flinch at his cussing and rapid tone, but something kept me unaffected, unwilling to fight back. I just looked down and bit my lip. "I don't deserve you," he groaned.

"Where were you?" I asked, dying to know why he hadn't been there for me when I needed him.

"I made the wrong choice. When it comes to you, I can never think straight," he sighed. "Look I know I don't have the right, but Elena, I'm willing to fight for us. I don't want to lose this."

A tear caught me by surprise when it trailed down my face. "I think if you had told me that yesterday... but I'm sorry. I realized that I can't be happy until I know who I am first. And I can't figure that out with you." He nodded slightly with dead eyes. "I love you Harry, but I think it's best be on my own."

I wanted to kiss his hand, or his forehead, something. I didn't want to leave knowing it was over, and finally seeing him made it even harder. But I got up and walked away. It was about time I fought for Elena.

Five years later

I gripped my Starbucks mug tighter, allowing the warmth to seep through to my cold arms. I walked along the lines of bookshelves until I spotted the familiar artwork on the book cover of The Time Healer. It was my third published book written under my Alias.

Maybe it was dumb coming to the store just to see copies of my own words resting on wood, but it thrilled me to see them there, blending in with all the other books.

After having my moment, I sipped a bit of my coffee and turned to go find a few books to purchase.

"Lena?" His voice echoed behind me.

I turned around to see him in the very flesh and blood. He looked mostly the same, only his features were sharper now, and his hair was darker.

"Niall." I hadn't realized I had been holding my breath. It had been so long. The last I'd heard of him was about One Direction's hiatus along with thousands of other rumors, but most of the time I didn't bother to indulge in it.

"You drink coffee now?" His eyes pointed to the drink in my hand.

"Yeah, I gave in once I started writing." I smiled. I don't know why I refused coffee before, but it had become my best friend and companion during my long insomniac sessions when ideas flowed like the Nile River.

"You write now?" He looked even more shocked. God, it really had been so long.

"I do," I nodded, unsure of why I felt so happy. "That's um, my book actually, but don't tell anyone."

He looked over to where I was pointing and noticed the author's name was not my name and quickly caught on. "No way!" His smile widened. "Oh I have to read this! A writer? What?"

"Shh," I giggled.

He grabbed a copy and flipped through, the fresh scent escaping the pages. "But there's actual words," he teased. "How do I know you're not making this up?"

"If you have time to sit down with me I could explain," I suggested. I had changed in a lot of ways since we last parted. I felt I had a better grip on my personality and my feelings. And right now I wanted to catch up with Niall and talk for hours.

I wanted him to know what had happened to me and find out what had happened to him. I wanted to laugh until my sides hurt, which he had found so easy to do, and to hear his own laugh which infecting me.

A part of me had never let go of the relationship I had with him and it was like Fate was giving me a chance to continue it, only this time I would do things the right way.

"For you, I have all the time in the world."

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