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Okay so I could say sorry 1000 times but that woudn't make up anything. But honesty I'm sorry. To be honest Ithe comments motivated me to update again so thanks for that. And thanks for sticking with my ultimately lame story. I don't know why you guys keep reading but thanks. I love you guys sooo much you guys are truly awesome. Here's another chapter. Let me know what you think I love your opinions. Thanks again I love you guys!

"We need to talk."

I looked up from my plate only to be met with the infamous face of none other than Louis Tomlinson. I watched him carefully as he pulled out the chair across from me and sat down, setting his plate full of toasts and scramble eggs on the table.

I sighed.

So much for enjoying some time alone.

"Talk about what?" I asked him, sipping a bit of my orange juice.

"Where is Harry?" he ignored my question.

"He's still sleeping." I answered, "He was tired and I didn't want to wake him."

Louis studied me for a minute, before nodding. "So," he muttered, "Eleanor told me Niall left the room last night with reproachful eyes and flushing cheeks," he trailed off.

"Um, yeah," I hesitated, "We um. We got into a fight."

"You and Niall?" He asked taken aback.

I nodded, not knowing what else to do. It was no secret that I was a bad liar.

"What did you fight about?"

Well, he was a noisy one.

"That's none of your business," I said firmly crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm in a band with him. Plus he's one of my best mates. I believe I have a right to know why he is upset," he replied sassily.

"If he wanted to tell you he would have, don't you think?"

He glared at me. "Fine, don't tell me," well that was easier than I expected it to be, "But do tell me, did Harry dump your sorry ass last night? That's why you're here alone?"

The nerve of him. I shot him my best glare back and my hands clenched in a tight fist.

"No, he didn't." I mumbled. "I've already told you that Harry is asleep. And for your information he didn't dump me but he did say that he's in love with me," I smirked.

"That's shocking," he seemed to consider my words, "You know I always thought that if Harry ever fell in love with someone it'd be with a flawless girl, an independent one, just like Candice."

"Why are you even bringing Candice into this?" I inhaled deeply. I was already frustrated from last nights events and had a headache. 

"See? You're nothing more but a whining, insecure baby. Harry said so himself," he paused, "For goodness sake all I did was mention Candy and there are already tears in your eyes."

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it immediately as I was sure that I was going to start sobbing. He continued eating his breakfast like nothing had happened. He didn't even care that he was hurting me. After a few minutes of silence, and four sniffles and six shaking breaths from my side I finally managed to compose myself.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I asked the question that had been burning me up for the last six months.

Louis was in the middle of takin a bite from his eggs but place his fork back down and looked at me before he responded.

"I don't hate you. I hate the fact that you're playing with my best mate. You've got him wrapped around your little finger, he loves you with everything he's got in him but he's just a toy for you, isn't he? You'll only end up hurting him. And you know what? At the end you're going to break up the whole band because you can't settle with just one boy. No, you want two," he licked his lips.

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