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4 hours 23 minutes 27 seconds. Not that I was checking the clock on the wall and watching the second hand pass by slowly. Too slow. I had been sitting quietly next to Harry while he chatted away with everyone. I felt invisible. They were literally talking about everything that had happened since they last saw each other. From what they had for breakfast 4 months ago, to buying milk yesterday. Harry talked about the places he’s visited and how tour is. However, I don’t recall him ever mentioning anything that related to me.

Sorry I’m lying. He acknowledged me once. And that was too nudge me when I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I got the signal, that it was rude. So I sighed as I placed it back into my pocket and continued to be bored to death as they talked of course ignoring me in any way possible.

“So how did you two meet?” Rob was the only one who showed any interest in me. He offered me a biscuit earlier. But at least it was something.

“Um golfing 6 months ago.” he answered shortly. Yeah, go ahead and don't tell them how you almost ran me down with the golf cart.

“How’d you get your mother to let you come all the way out here? My mum would never allow me to stay with a guy who lived so far.”

“Harry convinced her.” I shrugged. 

"Of course Harry and his charming self." Candice smiled. I rolled my eyes. 

"And how long have you been together?" Gemma questioned. 

"Almost 4 months." I answered followed by a yawn. It went by unnoticed by everyone but Harry. 

"It's getting late. We should probably go to sleep." Harry announced. 

"The guest room is occupied." Anne realized. Harry and I glanced at each other sharing an uneasy look. My eyes practically saying 'this is why you tell them before you come!'

"She can sleep in Harry's room. The kids are probably used to it." Rob said simply. Harry picked up my bag and gave his mom a quick peck on the cheek. 

"Night everyone." And he led me upstairs to his bedroom. It was a little messy, but pretty empty and most things were organized.  "Your mother hates me." I simply stated the obvious.

Oh come on babes," he tried to hug me but I stepped away "she doesn't hate you. She's like that with all of my girlfriends. She just wants you to prove her that you're good enough for me," he concluded.

"Nah," I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm pretty sure that she hates me."

"And I'm pretty sure that she doesn't," he chuckled. "Give her some time, she will come around." I nodded.

"Where's the bathroom?" "I need to change."

"Here." He tossed me my bag. I searched for my pjs. Shoot. Don't tell me I forgot to pack them! Ugh! I sighed loudly as I was looking furiously through the entire bag. 

"Forgot your pajamas?" Harry stood with his arms crossed and a knowing look on his face. 

"You know me too well." I gave up on looking since it was obvious they weren't there. Harry went over to his closet. He got out a Jack Wills sweatshirt. 

"There you go babe." He tossed it to me. 

I stood there with the sweatshirt in my hand. 

"Harry!" I dragged out his name. 


"I need pants!" 

"Aw come on, the sweatshirt will be big in you."


"Fine. Party pooper." He went back and tossed me his boxers.  "What's this?" I held it far away from me.

"You wanted pants," he shrugged.

"That's your underwear," I said.

"They're clean," he rolled his eyes.

"Harry! This know. Harry junior." I mumbled only to receive a loud chuckle from him. 

"El, it's that or nothing. Your pick." 

Really? Must you be difficult? I groaned as I debated in my head. I decided to wear the boxers.

"I hate you." "You love me." "Whatever." Then I felt a vibration in my pocket. I pulled out my phone. From: Nialler How's Harry's? You survived?

Thank goodness it's Niall. Niall was the only boy I was comfortable enough to say a sex related word when he was around. 

To: Nialler

Not so good..pretty sure his mom hates me :/ also I met Candice and Channel

From: Nialer

Don't worry. Just hang in there, it'll be fine. And do you know about Harry and Candice?

Wait what? Umm no he didn't. Before I could form a reply Harry spoke.

"Who are you texting?" 

"My very best friend."

Are you seriously mimicking Candy?" he asked me.

"No." Yes.

"Is that sarcasm I sense?" He wasn't yelling but he was angry, for some reason. Well that made two of us. I prayed that Harry's family didn't hear us. It was the last thing I needed.

"No," Yes.

"Will you stop it?"

"Stop what?"

"Your attitude towards me," he said.

Oh pardon me Mr. Styles. "When you stop it!" I told him, equally angry.

"Stop what?" he asked.

"Are you mimicking me?" I mimicked him.

"Answer me," he warned and put his hands on my shoulders. He wasn't applying too much force to hurt me but he was applying enough to scare me.

I turned my gaze towards the floor. "Are you gonna answer me?" he shook me a bit, "what do I have to stop?" his face was rather close to mine.

"Stop flirting with Candice," I told him and pushed him away. 

Love TrianglesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora