Three's A Crowd

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Okay so yes I haven't updated in a while. Actually a very long time, and I am so very sorry. But I finally got off my lazy butt and finished up the chapter. And by now you are very bored by my talking so a quick thanks to all of you that actually do read my story- it means a lot to me and makes me super happy! And here ya go...

"Bye, I'll miss you! Don't forget to text me. And we need to set up a time to meet soon!" I gave Alli a bone crushing squeeze. 

"El..Can't...breathe. EL!" She yelled at me. 

"Sorry!" I loosened my grip. 

Alli had to leave because as awesome as it would be to stay on tour with the guys, she had a life and her vacation was over. But this isn't the last of her. I love her too much. 

"I'll miss you too El."

We were saying our goodbyes at the airport. Everyone was out except Candice and Harry. The management bus was ahead, not needing to drop off anyone at the airport; and Harry was in the bus. He hadn't come out after our little argument and stayed on his bunk. 

Alli was now talking to Li, having their adorable good bye. It was in soft romantic whispers. He was holding her with a gentle grip, yet so tight as to never want to let her go. 

I smiled in awe at them. 

When they were finally finished, their voices were raised back to normal 

"Bye love, take care alright?" Liam kissed her. 

She nodded back in response, most likely holding back tears. 

"Where's Harry?" She asked when she managed to regain herself. He was the only one that hadn't said his goodbye. 

I looked down at my feet at the mention of his name. 

I felt so guilty. Alli deserves a good bye from her friend. But she won't get one because of me. And Harry doesn't deserve to feel this way. He shouldn't be trapped behind the curtain on his bunk in misery. It's all my fault. I always know how to make things worse for others. 

"It's fine. I'll see him another time." Alli said, most likely trying to make me feel better. 

It would be so amazing if Harry came out just to say good bye to Alli and be the sweet guy I know he is. But there is nothing cliche about my life. Stuff like that never happens, well except for the fact that I'm dating Harry Styles. So I guess I shouldn't be complaining. 

We waved to Alli until she was out of sight.


Harry?" I whispered softly.

We had been on the road for three hours now, and Harry still hadn't come out. After we dropped off Alli, he had been listening to music for the first hour or so. But at some point he must have fallen asleep.

"Harry?" I repeated when he didn't respond. I shook him gently only to earn back a groan.

"Go away," he mumbled turning on his other side and scooting to the far end of the bunk. I sighed and climbed up in his bunk, carefully sitting down next to his head and closed the curtain. I didn't want any tanned, ink covered boy eavesdropping on us. 

"Wake up. We're almost there." It wasn't a complete lie. We would be there in about an hour or two. But still, close enough.

He groaned again, but this time he rubbed his eyes. I wrapped my arms around my knees, patiently waiting for him to wake up. And he did. After about ten minutes of whining and tossing about and irritating me, he did.

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