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I felt so guilty about not updating and avoiding so I'm updating again. Please be happy and take this as an apologyy and forgive me! Please comment. Love you guys! 

I was exhausted, my head and arm were still hurting and I'm pretty sure I had made a fool of myself.  

But at least I was as far away from Harry and Candice as possible. Well, not really. I was actually only in a small café near the hotel but still it was better than being with them.

I honestly never thought Harry could be so aggressive. Sure, he had hit me once but then he promised that he would never do it again. And like the fool I am, I believed him. But this time it was different. It was worse.

He was a completely different Harry. His eyes were a shade of dark green I had never seen before. His grip was so tight, the bruise had already began to darken and the way he pushed me back into the couch was so aggressive.

That was not my Harry. That was a monster. 

I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't stand to see him knowing that he was able to hurt me without even putting any effort. I was scared. So I ran. I ran and ran. I exited the hotel and kept on running, thankful that there were no fans outside of the hotel, and somehow I ended up in this café. It was a small café. I didn't see any other customer inside and so in I went.

I ordered a hot chocolate from the girl behind the counter. She didn't recognize me and again I was thankful that she wasn't a fan of One Direction or well that she hadn't checked twitter the last couple of days. I noticed her name tag read Vicky.

I sat on a table in the far corner of the café. I sipped my hot chocolate slowly and occasionally rubbed the sore spot on my forearm. I attempted to calm myself down unsuccessfully. Not knowing what else to do, I picked up my phone and clicked on the familiar contact before I could change my mind.

 What Harry didn't know, won't hurt him. And if he did find out, he would not be nearly as hurt as I was. 

"Hello?" a raspy voice greeted me after the eighth ring. Shoot. He must have been asleep. I forgot it was only eleven o'clock. 

"Niall?" I asked and stole a glance at Vicky. She was too busy reading a gossip magazine.

"Lena?" he sounded confused, "I didn't expect Harry to let you call me so soon."

"Harry doesn't know I am calling you."

"Someone's being naughty," he chuckled jokingly. "Don't worry I won't tell him."

"I'm sorry that I woke you up," I apologized, "I just needed someone to talk to."

"Did something happen?" he asked sounding worried.

"A lot," I answered truthfully.

"Are you okay?"

"Honestly? No," I sighed.

 "What happened Lena?" he whispered softly.

"I had breakfast with Louis today, who insulted me carelessly. He called me worthless. He told me that Harry thinks that I'm a whining baby and he also said that I'm playing with both yours and Harry's feelings. And then he told me that Harry would choose Candice over me any day. And do you know what he told me next? He told me that they used to be in love for four years, that they still are in love with each other," I took in a shaky breath. I didn't realize that I had started crying until I touched my cheek only to feel salty water on my finger.

 "That idiot," he yelled on the phone.

"Please don't say anything to him," I begged. "I don't want to prove him right." 

"In what way?"

"He said that I'll end up breaking the band."

"You know what Louis needs? He needs a punch on the face."

"Please Niall," I begged again.

 He sighed, "fine," he paused, "that's not all of it, is it? Something else happened."

"Yes," I started. "But before I tell you remember that you've promised you won't be mentioning the phone call to Harry so you can't do anything about what I tell you, alright?" 

"Yeah, just tell me already." 

"I went to the hotel room after I finished with Louis and I was so upset and when I opened the door I saw Harry on top of a giggling Candice. He had only been tickling her but the position they were in, it just wasn't right. And then Harry decided to put on the internet a horrific picture of mine and because I was already angry from Louis I asked him why in the world would he put online the picture without asking me. And then I snapped at Candice because she said I was being ridiculous and," my voice broke, "and he grabbed me by the forearm insisting that I apologized. It was scary. He wouldn't let me go and he was shaking me and squeezing my arm and it hurt, Niall. I told him so but he ignored me. And then when I finally apologized he pushed me back on the couch and I hit my head. Not knowing what else to do I ran and then I called you." I said in one breath.

Niall was silent for a while. "I'm gonna kill him, I am going to kill him,"

"Niall, you promised."

"I don't care what I promised I'm going to struggle that twat with my bare hands."

"Niall if you do as much as lay a finger on him I swear I'd never talk to you again. Upon my honor."

"You don't mean that."

 "But I do."

"Please tell me that you're not planning on going back to him," he said after a while.

 "I am, Niall. I love him," I stated.

 "He hurt you, Lena. Not only emotionally, but physically too. You can't go back to him again."

"He's my everything," I admitted. I didn't even care how cliché I sounded. I fell in love with Harry in these four months, "he's the best thing I've ever had. I'm not about to let him go."

"You know what Lena?" he asked harshly and I could picture him running a hand through his hair, "you're stupid. You're really stupid," he yelled and then hung up on me.

He hung up on me. He never hangs up on me. Never.

Great I had managed to piss off Niall. And Niall rarely ever gets angry.


Just great.  

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