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Cass's POV

"Let's see, it's half passed a paw and a quarter till a nostril, so, hopefully I can catch Matty before he rolls on trail to step on Hallie." I whisper to myself as I make it through the library and to the video call room. I wanted to catch my friends, at least one of them, in a call so we could discuss Spookster day.

"Matty you better pick up." I say before turning the thing on and adjusting a few doo-dads so the signal goes to his house and not Dad's. I sit back and soon he picks up.

"Yo! Chesh the best!"

"Matter the hatter!" I smile giving him finger guns. I notice that he's outside. "Say, it Winter messing day or something? How'd you get your caller outside in?"

"Oh nah! Gotta new talk box. Doesn't need a fishhook to call, but does have to be shocked every moon hop."

"That's great! I can pop ya whenever." I smile, "So you headin' to Hopper's burrow?"

"You know it! Tickers for tea! Oh and we got the paper planes you sent. Can't believe they snatched ya that early though."

"I know. It was spraybottles!" I exclaim, "But I may get to come visit during fireball jumping marathon."

"Great! Till then you can smack up on new stummers and stamp wack stingers. Heya Hal!" He calls looking away from the screen.

"Mattie Hatter, what did I splatter about that coat!?" She calls, "What's with the talker boxer?"

"Well, got a certain someone who wants to spot ya." He turns his phone so she can see.

"Cass-a-fras!" She smiles grabbing a cup, "You're late for tea!" She throws it for Matt to duck before me and her laugh. Ah, just like her double great grandfather.

"What's going on in Arcus-lawns? And where'd you get the shiny-eye?"

"Got it while adding the smirky smile to a picture of my popper for a splatter progress. As for what's swinging, we're vroomin' for Spooks-a-ween! Need ideas for shiver slides and jidder-fluffles."

"Did ya spikey tooth em with a head crack?" Matty asks as he sits beside Hallie and sets me against one of the teapots.

"And eye twists but I promotoed a Tangerine Tabby I wouldn't do those anymore." I pause as they get some tea.

"Well best go back to the sketcher wheel. Maybe red ball frizzy fang 'em and have 'em for a bite." Hallie says before slamming her fist onto a spoon, sending two sugar cubes between her eyes before they fall into her tea. The sugar cubes, that is.

"Eh, I could, but we need igloos that hammer heads can do along hampers."

"Hmm, what about a five feeted fizzy mouth slipper and one of those seven mashed cherry scenes." Matt suggests as he empties the sugar jar into his cup and throws it over his shoulder.

"That's a sugar line, maybe we could add a bat fly feasting scene?"

"Add a zappy bed too!" Hallie says stirring her tea so hard the cup cracks. How much salt has she had today?

"And some dotty grabbers with cheesy snappers itchin' 'em. " Matt adds downing a tart.

"Bangin' rocks." I pause as the two scarf down more treats, "So watches shin-a-bobs you snickers pounding?"

"I'm waddling with my Dadder at the Jangle Box Dress shop."

"How's taters goosing for ya?"

"Sweet potato clippers and a hole of pulp! Could flew ya a smidgen if yaks lick ya."

"Gotta pow wow it beside my Dad first, and I don't see yodling gonna concrete 'em." I pause looking at Matt who's scarfing down his eighth mini sandwich. "What boba whopping with you, Mattie?"

"Tasted oceans down at the Blue Glue. Pa's thinkering of re-tabling"

"Really!?" I gasp, "What bubbling bonnets stuck that down his hat?"

"He got new tables." He shrugs before taking a drink. "Anywho, anything interesting gaggling on tomatoes?"

"Uh," I pause to think about what I'm supposed to be doing today. "Got a stumper tieing tryout this appletree." I admit for Hallie to spit take and throw her tea cup.

"Then lick that tree stump and let's glue a mop bucket!"

Allen's POV

"Deeeeeeex, why are we going to the library?" I complain as we head down the hall.

"Because we have that history project that we have to do and it's best to start on it now instead of later." He explains as we make it to the most boring place in school. We head to the back and find the closet having a Do Not Disturb sign on it.

"What they change the closet into?"

"They transformed it into a video call room so students could video chat their parents. Guess someone wanted to call thier folks." He comments for me to put my ear by the door for him to slap my shoulder.

"Al, you know it's rude to eavesdrop."

"Well what if I said that it sounds like Cass is singing something?" I question for him to perk up before stepping closer and listening.

"A very merry unbirthday to you!"

"And you!"

"And you!"

"And you!"

"Mad props to her dad for making his voice sound that young." I say for Dex to roll my eyes.

"I think that's her friends." He points out, for me to listen closer. Ah yeah, there's like two other people singing besides Cass.

"A very merry unbirthday to you!"

"And you!"

"And you!"

"Us too!"

"And we shall cremate it, with a tire in a tree!" The three chorus before there's some sort of explosion on the other end of the call.

"A very merry unbirthdaaaaaay toooooOOOOOOOO yooooooooou."

"Geez, Ben wasn't kidding you when he said she had a good set of pipes on her." I comment as we step away from the door.

"Exactly why they want her in music group." Dex says, "I just hope she's doing it because she wants to rather than feeling like she needs too."

"Eh, you can ask her later. Also ask her what an unbirthday is too."

"An unbirthday is everyday that isn't your birthday." We turn and see Cass coming out of the room. She furrows her eyebrows. "Were you two ear-shifting on me?"

"Uh, er, uh. . . " Dex stammers, wide-eyed.

"No, we were just," I pause. "talking about a poem that I came across while looking at Smiley's book. A lot of the stuff didn't make a lot of sense to me."

"It's not supposed to." She shrugs before her phone buzzes. "Ope, gotta go, gotta help Jane compose hamock dinos." She then heads off before I turn to Dex to see him glance at me.

"If you ever freeze up on me like that ever again, you're toast."

My bad, I mean to publish this chapter much sooner. Anyway, how will Cass do in this "stumper tieing tryout"? Will she even go to it? Stay tuned to see.

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