Cons, Crazy and a Catch

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Cass's POV

"You fool! That was close. Too close! Why on earth didn't you just close the door!? Or better yet just not play the piano at all!?"

"Aw Blaze, you know we can't resist the song of the heatwave." Sprinkles huffs as they get off of memory lane.

"Yeah and we really shouldn't be ashamed of our ability to sing. I mean, back home we sang all the time."

"That was back home! Everyone understood our songs and would even sing along by the second verse! Here, they criticize us for our madness."

"Thunder, they haven't even seen our madness in full, and besides it's our voice they'll like."

"But they'll mock us for the lyrics! It's too risky, we can never sing again."

"That's too far. Thunder. We love singing and what's more-"

"Will you four shut up! I'm trying to find my books!" I scold for me to get looks from a group of kids. "What!?" The quickly look away as I turn back to my locker. I take out my art book and shove it in my bag before slamming the locker.

"Looks like someone else is in a bad mood." I turn and glare at Jay. "You wanna talk about it?"

"No." I huff, pushing past him and walking down the hall. Unfortunately, he follows.

"Alright, well, can I at least give you this?"

I stop and turn to him. He holds out a spray thing on a keychain.

"What is it?"

"Pepper spray. That way if none of us are around and you need to protect yourself. You can use it." He explains for me to glare up at him.

"I have venom."

"Yeah, but this isn't considered a weapon, therefore can't be confiscated if a teacher sees you with it."

"They can't confiscate my teeth either." I pause, "They better not confiscate my teeth."

"Well just to keep you out of detention. Take it. Besides, I doubt you want to bite any of the kids here."

"Okay. Fair . . .  Thanks."

"No problem." He pauses, "You sure you don't want to talk?"

"Yeah. It'll just enrage me."

"Alright, you take care of yourself and I'll see you at dinner." He says ruffling my hair before rushing off down the hall. I fix my hair before clipping the pepper spray on my purse. I then take another breath.

"Shoulda just told him you nearly got caught singing. Better to get it off your chest than keep it bottled up." Sprinkles starts for me to mentally groan. Here we go again.

"It wouldn't 'ave done anythin' but start up a con'sation about that stupid music club." Blaze counters, "I don' know about you, but I don' wanna 'ave to deal with that again. So best keep 'er trap shut."

"Blaze has a point. I don't want to deal with all the 'why not's and stuff." I say as I make it to the painting room.

"Do we even have a reason that we don't want to do it?" Sprinkles questions for me to stop, luckily I was right beside my seat.

"I don't know. I mean. . ." Rainbow pauses before going to look in the candy bowl as I sit at my table. She rummages through it for a minute before looking back up.

"We have pros and cons all here about why it's a good and bad idea."

"Read off the cons." Sprinks says as she steers off of radio road.

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