Doggo the Stray

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Cass's POV

"Let us go! You can't do this to our girl!" I hear Rainbow scream as she and Sprinkles get tied up.

"Eh shut it ya colorful freak." Storm sneers as Thunder finished tying the knot.

"Don't listen to these guys Cassey!" Sprinkles calls for me to sigh. I was in the crawl space under the school. First hour was a nightmare. At least twelve people asked me where my bonnet was or if I wanted to have a playdate later. I was lucky Peppy and Dex were there to help me stand up to the kids.

"Cass?" I jump and bang my head on one of the support beams. I turn and glare at Dude.

"What do you want Dog?" I question turning back to my toy mouse, Mrs. Squeakers.

"Ria told me what happened at breakfast. I wanted to see if you were alright." He lays down beside me.

"Well, I'm not." I give Mrs. S a lazy squeak. "Everyone's been teasing me about that stupid bonnet. It's humiliating." I lay my head on my paws.

"I know." He lays his head on mine, "but I can say I kinda know how it feels."

"He does?" I hear Sprinkles question.

"Quiet!" Storm snaps, "He doesn't understand. He would never understand what we're going through."

"No you don't, Dude." I pause, "I doubt you've ever been bullied over the know-it-all tech-box."

"Well no," He chuckles, lifting his head, "I've never been bullied through a computer, but I have been bullied before." I look up at him. "I was a stray."

"A stray!?" Rainbow questions to be shushed by Storm.

"There's strays here in Auradon?" I ask for him to nod.

"Oh yeah, and when I was out on the streets, I had one older pack pick on me everyday. They'd bat me around, steal any food I had, and usually throw me in a dumpster when they were done with me."

"That's horrible." Sprinkles says.

"Shut up!" Storm screams, "Even if he did get bullied, it doesn't compare with what she's experienced."

"Yes it does!" Rainbow exclaims, "It's worse than what we've had! We're just getting teased. He was getting beaten."

"How did you handle it?" I ask Dude as he sat up to scratch his ear.

"Well, one day after I got put in another dumpster, two dogs named Charlie and Itchy found me. They taught me about stray life and actually brought me to the dumpster behind the shool to get something to eat. That's where Ben and Lonnie found me." He pauses.


"It's like they knew Ben would be out there that day."

"Maybe they seen Bennyboo set out milk or something before and figured he'd give you something?" I shrug for him to smile.

"Maybe," He pauses again, "but I wish I would've gotten the chance to thank the two, but when I looked over Ben's shoulder as he carried me inside, Charlie and Itchy were gone."

"Well, I'm sure they know how grapefruit you are," I bat Mrs. Squeakers aside, "but how does all that prescribe to what's going on with me?"

"I don't know. The humans say it's good to know you're not alone, like you aren't the only one that's ever been bullied. It's suppose to make you feel better or something. Did it work?" He lays his head on his paws with his tail up and wagging in precipitation.

"A little." He smiles, getting up and beaming. I sit up and nuzzle under his chin.

"You're a good friend Doggo." He nuzzles back.

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