It's a Kitten!

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Cass's POV

"So, did Allen text you back about Jemma?" Mal asks Pupper as him, me, and her chill by the lockers. It was after fifth hour and I was in cat form, swinging by my tail on the railing, humming Georgie Leftfoot's theme song while waiting for Dex to bring Timid to me.

"Yeah, the doctor said that she had a moderate reaction. They're keeping her overnight for observation, but she's fine. Should be back tomorrow, but her hand will still be swollen for a few days." He replies, setting his backpack down.

"Good thing she'll be back soon. I heard from Ms. Diana that Ria's worrying herself into furball overdrive because of this." I say, "Maybe I should take her something."

"You mean like one of your toy mice?" Mal questions as I swing up and sit on the railing.

"I was thinking one of my paper bags. Course they may lead to Captain Squishy Face's secret headquarters. Maybe taking her a popsicle would be better."

"Uh, Cass, tigers don't eat popsicles." Ben says leaning on the lockers.

"Yes they do. You just gotta get them the right flavors. I should know, my great grandfather wrote in a journal about how his grandmother, my great great great grandmother, loved frozen gorechews."

"What's that?"

"You don't want to know." Mal says quickly before pointing at me. "Cass, don't you dare tell him. You shouldn't have told me, but you did. Now, I'm telling you," She points at Pupper, "You don't wanna know."

"Okay." Bennyboo says slowly, "but I thought you came from mad cats, Cass."

"You really think that the breed of Cheshire just popped up out of a calawal hole?" I scoff, "C'mon Pupper, we have a much more complicated history than that."

"Well, it'll have to wait till after school to be told." Mal turns to Ben, "You better get going or you'll be late for that meeting."

"Oh no! I forgot!" Ben gasps before saying he'd see us later. As he races down the hall, we hear someone squeal.

"It's a kitten!"

Before I could even blink, I was grabbed and being squished.

"Oh, she's so fluffy and cute! The prettiest little kitten ever!" I hear Timid say as the hug tightens.

"I'm not a kitten."

"Just so cuddly and soft and just cutest kitten I've ever seen!"

"I'm not a kitten. Please, put me down." I repeat for my voice to fall on deaf ears.

"So fluffy and fuzzy, and cuddly, and cute little kitty kitten."

"I'm not a kitten!" I snap for her to gasp and hold me up to eye level.

"The kitten talks!"

"Timid, it's Cass, put me down." I assert for her to obey. I change into human form and she gasps.

"Wow! How'd you do that!?"

"Magic. I got it from an iceberg dinosaur." I reply for her to look confused as I notice Mal sniggering.

"Not one word." I mouth to her as Dexter runs up and hugs Timid.

"Oh, thank goodness you're safe." He breathes.

"Everything okay Dex?" I ask, for him to look at me.

"I turn my back for five seconds and this one's gone. I'm so happy she found you."

"Dude, the first rule of babysitting is never take your eyes off the kids." Mal says as he releases his cousin.

"I know, I know. I just, I turned around to put my books away, turned back and she was gone." He explains before looking at her. "Do not do that ever again and don't tell Smiley or Doug. They'll freak if they knew I lost you."

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