Change of Plans

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"Just as long as we don't do anything graphic or violent, we'll be good." I was saying to Pixie as we made our way down the hall to her locker. It was the break between first and second hour and I was filling her in on what my plans were with the dorm. I would have told her last night, but she was still in pain, so I thought it best to leave her alone.

"And she was fine with us using spray paint indoors?" She questions for me to fumble with my hands.

"Well, I may or may not have mentioned it was the spray kind. But you always say if they don't ask for specifics then don't tell."

"Eh, fair. It's under my bed. Just keep the windows open and don't use it all." She says for me to hug her before heading off. As I make my way back down the hall, I spot Pupper looking at a clipboard and scratching his ear, surprising not with his leg.

"Heya Puppyboy! How goes it?" I question making him jump.

"Oh hi Cass. What's up?"

"That's what I asked you. You look like you're about to be dragged to the vet for a rabies shot."

"Oh, yeah, um, I'm good. Just nervous about this game. Also the fact of the second tryouts for music club since Rose declined the invitation." He explains for me to pause.

"Which Rose? Stoppable? Fitzherbert?"

"No, Darling."

"Oh," I stop, "wait, why would she try out if she didn't want to be in it? And why do you need a second try out? Why not take the one who got second place in . . . however you decide contestant placements." He chuckles.

"Well, I felt that while we did have a decent turn out, and many good auditions, there may have been some students who didn't get to tryout due to other clubs, or sickness, or even an injury." He raises an eyebrow for me to roll my eyes.

"Still, that just puts more work on you and the others in the club." I pause seeing him staring back at his clipboard, his face longer than St. Donkicus the Aunt-eater.

"Okay Mr. Pupperstein. Here." I take the clipboard from him. "I will handle the tasks on this list, you go play tourney."

"Cass I can't let you—"

"Up, up, up!" I hold up a hand, "I am doing this. Now go play ball."

"Ben, Coach says hurry up." Trevor from history says racing up. Pupper turns and pulls me into a hug.

"I owe you one." He says before rushing off with Trevor. Uggggh why am I like this!?

One hour later

Mal's POV

"Why!? Why are you letting her use you're paint!? She has her own!" E was complaining as we made it to our lockers.

"I don't know E! I just did! Okay? And it shouldn't be that bad. I mean, how much could she get done in an hour without help?"

"Um, have you met her? She's insane! She will find ways to make progress with or without anyone lending a hand." She snaps back for me to roll my eyes and open my locker.

"I wouldn't think so. Those bedframes are heavy, and cleaning out everything from her dresser will take some time too. I'm sure—"

"So what? Let the psycho cat work for us, I mean it's not like she'll be on stage." I hear someone practically yell. I turn and see a group of freshmen.

"Ugh, you really are naïve." A girl with curls pauses, "If we let her do that job it'll make us look bad. People will think we're lazy and won't want to be in the club if they think we'll make them do all the work!"

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