Chapter 2

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Waverly screamed as the lights went out, not knowing what was happening, expecting any moment to see the flash followed by the explosion of a gun firing. Those in the room with her were moving, a struggle of some sort to her right, no her left, she couldn't be sure, the Widow yelling for more guards. Waverly's heart pounded faster than ever, her breathing in short sharp pants as she tried to make sense of what was occurring in the blackened room. When the lights came back on Nicole was standing before her, attempting to button her torn shirt.

"You don't have to," Waverly said, gazing at Nicole's toned abs, "not for me."

Nicole winked. "For appearances. Maybe later."

Xavier tapped Nicole on the shoulder. "The boat is waiting. I suggest we get going."

The Widow was now the one restrained, the second guard pinning her arms behind her back, Xavier placing tape over her mouth and a hood over her head. Nicole took the knife from Xavier's belt slicing through the ties holding Waverly's wrists. "Shame," Nicole said. "Still plenty time for that too."

Waverly's lips were on Nicole's before she could stop herself, the intensity of the situation, the possibility of imminent death, causing her to do something she promised she wouldn't. Nicole's hands found her waist allowing herself to be reunited with her ex-lover, remembering how it felt to have those soft lips on hers, wondering whether Xavier would give them a few moments in private to make out.

Gunshots and explosions from beyond the room told Nicole it might be better evacuating North Brother Island for a less dangerous location, taking Waverly's hand, following Xavier along the corridor. Bodies lay everywhere as they entered the larger space, Waverly recoiling at the sight of blood oozing from the one nearest to her, unable to look away from the frozen features of the dead now littering the floor. Nicole felt the resistance in Waverly's hand, turning, seeing the panic in her eyes. "It's okay. Not much further. Close your eyes if you have to."

"How?" she asked. "How can you do this?"

"Us, or them," Nicole replied. "Better if it's them."

More explosions, the rapid fire of a machine gun, the agonising groan of someone having been shot. "I can't," Waverly said, her legs unable to carry her forward. "Nicole, I can't."

"Nearly there," Nicole reassured. "A little further and we're clear."

One of the Widow's guards appeared from behind a wall, Xavier's quick reflexes taking him down with two shots to the chest. The thud of heavy boots on concrete alerted them to others approaching from the opposite direction, more footsteps echoing off the walls ahead. "We're being surrounded," Xavier shouted. "I'll take front. You take out the back."

Nicole retrieved the machine gun from the dead guard, pulling Waverly behind her. "Stay close," she yelled, as she opened fire on the two guys approaching. The deafening rat-a-tat-tat of the gun in Nicole's hand stunned Waverly, the return fire equally loud, Nicole pressing her back against Waverly, using her body as a shield against the bullets flying in all directions. Another burst of gunfire, then silence, Waverly opening her eyes, peering round Nicole's shoulder. "Are they?"

"Very. We need to hurry. I don't think they were alone."

Reaching the entrance Xavier went first, his gun poised to take out anyone who came across their path. "I'll put you on the boat," he said, as he scanned the area for the Widow's men. "We have another coming for the Widow."

"I'm staying. Get Waverly to safety."

"Not your job H. Leave the Widow to us."

Nicole nodded, taking Waverly's hand once more, telling her to stay low and keep moving. A boat was waiting by the jetty for them, setting off at speed as soon as they were on board, Waverly still traumatised by what she witnessed, the images of those killed replaying in her mind every time she closed her eyes. Unable to stop herself shaking, Nicole removed her jacket, wrapping it around Waverly's shoulders, holding her close. "It's over. We're safe. Waverly look at me, we're safe."

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