Chapter 19

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Nicole placed the dress back in its travel bag, determined not to wear it the next day, wondering if that was what the Widow actually wanted her to do. Perhaps it was a little test simply to see what she might wear and whether she would resist. In that case, maybe she should wear the dress. Furious at having to double guess everything, she climbed into bed, consoling herself with Waverly's sexy video, watching it until her mind cleared of nothing but the sound of her name leaving her lover's lips.

An early breakfast, a quick workout in the hotel gym, she was back in time for her lunch date, donning a pale grey suit over a black silk blouse. J tutted when he saw her. "I'm not wearing it," she said, sipping her cocktail.

"I presume you neglected to remove the microphone."

Nicole opened her blouse to reveal the tiniest of mics now attached to a red bra, J studying it carefully. "See, I'm a big girl. And, not premenstrual."

"The range on the mic is not far. Fifty metres at best."

"Great. So, you won't be able to hear me being wooed by an international terrorist."

"Wrong. I will follow at a discreet distance and hopefully be within range."

"Am I allowed to bring my toys with me?"

J shook his head. "No guns, M's orders."

"She really doesn't trust me, does she?"

"It's a question of letting this play out."

"Which means I'm not trusted to keep my finger off the trigger."

"May I remind you, you were released from police custody having nearly strangled a stranger."

"I was stressed."

J stared at her. "I do the Times crossword when I'm frustrated. I find it helps."

"Must remember that," Nicole replied. "Next time I'm up against a target pointing something at me. Four down, rhymes with fun."

"The Times is a little more cerebral than that."

A member of staff approached informing Nicole a car was waiting outside the hotel. "Well, this is it, two across, mucking fuddle. Don't lose me."

"I have a scooter on rent. I'm fairly good at navigating these streets."

Nicole finished her cocktail, adjusting her suit, heading out into the unknown. The car took them through the centre of Vienna, the sun shining, people going about their everyday business, coming to a stop outside a large building in the very heart of the city, the driver getting out to open the door. "Penthouse apartment," he instructed, returning to the car.

Finding the intercom Nicole announced her presence, a guy with a deep voice telling her to take the lift to the top where she would be met. Assessing the street, noting how easy, or difficult it might be to escape from an apartment with only a lift for access, she checked for stairs finding them behind the third door. Reaching the top floor the elevator opened onto a lobby, a large door directly ahead. No sign of the stairs reaching this high up, Nicole assuming access must be on the floor below.

A bodyguard let her in, one of the guys with the Widow the previous evening, Nicole quickly taking in the layout, following to an outside terrace where the Widow was relaxing in a pool. From what she could see her host was wearing nothing on her top half, her arms draped over the side, her head tilted upwards to catch the sun. "Not as good as the Mediterranean, but one must take what one is given. Won't you join me?"

"No thanks," Nicole replied, turning to take in the view over the city. "Good location."

"A trifle. A friend's. I'm using it while I'm here."

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