Chapter 24

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Waverly joined her on the next lounger, the pool area quiet that time of day, the only other people nearby another couple enjoying a romantic break like themselves. "So needed that," Waverly said, making herself comfortable. "Thank you."

"We can have lunch here, then head to Chalfields. Unless you'd like to stay another night? Some good movies in their cinema. The latest Bond thriller."

"Not my thing. Plus, I have the real Bond right here. Could drop by yours," Waverly suggested. "Would love to say hi to your mother."

"Settled. We do the grand tour. You're right, we needed this. I'm-"

"If you apologise one more time-"

"I was going to say, I'm relaxing. Sorry."

Waverly looked over, pretending to give Nicole a stern look. "You are far too cheeky for your own good Mrs Earp."

"I've been known for my tongue."

Waverly stifled a laugh. "I missed you. No, that will make your head swell. But seriously, I really did miss you."

Nicole turned on her side to face Waverly. "I would imagine what it might be like with you in all the hotels I visited."

"Don't, you'll have me crying."

"The first thing I would do was look out wherever I was and wonder what you were doing."

Waverly's eyes began to water. "Stop, I'm too emotional right now."

Nicole sat up, bringing her legs over the edge of the lounger. "I'd sit on the bed and imagine us there. Kept the cards of every place I wanted to take you."

Waverly wiped her cheek with her one good hand. "Nicole please, stop."

"Did you ever think of me?"

"Never. Not once."


Waverly huffed. "Of course I did, silly. I still have your rowing hoodie. I'd wear it just to have you close to me."

"Wondered where that went. I'm marrying a kleptomaniac."

"You gave it to me. Okay, I may not have returned it."

"I hated hearing you were with someone else. And yes, I admit I'm not a huge fan of Perry."

"I never knew if you were with anyone. Assumed it was part of your job."

"There never was anyone else. How could there be?"

Waverly leapt from the lounger, sprinting towards the exit, Nicole chasing after with their belongings. Following her all the way to their room, Waverly falling on the bed sobbing. "Why does it hurt so much?"

"Oh God, your wrist. Do you need more painkillers?"

"I need you. Hold me."

Nicole dropped everything, scooping Waverly into her arms. "We're both a mess, but in a good way. I love you. I've always loved you, even if you steal my possessions."

Waverly laughed through her tears, brushing her fingers against Nicole's cheek. "I stole your heart too."

It was Nicole's turn to cry.

Foregoing the pleasures of the cinema, they left Whatley Manor hotel early that afternoon on route to Chalfield, arriving shortly before tea time, Waverly's mother insisting they stay for dinner and the night. Nicole adored the house, its beautiful gardens and period features, her parent's house not quite on the same grand scale as Waverly's.

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