Chapter 3

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Waverly's mother was with her when she received Nicole's text, consoling her daughter as she broke down once more over the one she loved. "She promised me. Nicole promised me she would quit after what happened."

"My darling, she may not be able."

"I said yes," Waverly replied, between sobs.

"To what my darling?"

"She asked and I said yes."

"But, you're with Perry."

"We're on a break."

Waverly saw the pain in her mother's eyes. "Oh my darling, it's too soon to make such big plans. You need time."

"I should have listened to Nigel. He had a bad feeling about the place."

"He's recovering. The hospital said his arm's on the mend. Your father is furious."

"With me?"

"With everyone but you," her mother replied, patting Waverly's hand.

"If I'd left when Nigel said, none of this would have happened."

"Your father is demanding a full report from MI6 on why this happened. You know he won't rest until he gets answers. He's even had words with Nicole's father."


"He's hoping he has more sway with the government to look into your abduction."

"Please don't get Nicole into trouble."

"Darling, someone needs to be held responsible. I suggest you don't mention what Nicole asked you just yet."

"What should I do?"

"Keep quiet would be my advice. He's not in the best of moods."

"About Nicole."

"You need to consider the life you'll have with her. Are you sure Perry wouldn't be a better choice?"

Waverly hugged her mother, heading to her bedroom, retrieving Nicole's text, waiting to hear her voice. "Are you okay?" Nicole said on answering.


"One more mission. That's all."

"Until the next."

"Waverly, please. I had no choice. I resigned, but she's loose."

Waverly shuddered. "Where are you?"

"On my way to sort it out. Can I call you when I get to the hotel?"

"It will always be one more mission."

"This is the last one, I promise. M's sorting out protection."

"From who?"

Nicole laughed. "From me. I'm sorry, you should never have been there."

"Stay safe," Waverly replied, attempting to hang up, needing to hear Nicole's voice.

"I love you. I'm coming back, if only to annoy you."

"I love you too."

Xavier was waiting at the airport to collect her, Nicole thankful he was alive. They had worked together enough times for each to know how the other operated, especially under pressure. He filled her in on their next assignment, telling her the British government suspected another rogue force would have been behind the Widow's escape. Someone who clearly wanted the Widow alive and on their side, rather than divulging anything to the British government.

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