Chapter 11

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The Widow sat alone on the terrace of her magnificent mansion overlooking Lake Lucerne, finishing a late breakfast. As a child she had spent many happy holidays there visiting relatives, swimming in the lake, or rowing her cousins' small boat, daring each other as to how far they could go. That she would end up on a wanted list as an international terrorist would have been unthinkable to her younger self, imagining she would become a doctor like her parents, saving lives not killing thousands.

Like Nicole, her life was one of privilege, gaining a place at Cambridge to study medicine, her parents thrilled their only child chose to follow in their footsteps. Like Nicole, a tap on the shoulder by MI6 changed her career path, the thrill of saving the whole world outweighing any desire to save a handful of sick people. It was her calling, her destiny and she was good, very good, quickly rising through the ranks to command her own team, respected for her physical and mental agility in the face of danger.

Things began to unravel after the breakdown of a relationship, someone in the same profession, someone who was married, someone who knew it was wrong but couldn't help but be enthralled by the Widow's beauty and intellect and devotion. It was never meant to happen, instant dismissal if they had been caught, both clever enough, cunning enough to know how to play the covert game. Fun at first, but as heart's opened the Widow's lover feared their career would be destroyed, choosing to save their career by sacrificing their heart.

A covert mission brought the Widow into contact with the one who would one day introduce her to JOSHUA. A genius with piercing blue eyes and a body Marilyn Monroe would have died for. Blue eyes took the heartbroken agent under her wing, using her charm and her sharp mind to woo the agent over to her side, convincing her the world needed to change, that they would be instrumental in that change, that they would bring salvation.

At first the Widow resisted, her mind struggling with the poisonous diet of lies being fed to her by someone who should have been sanctioned, not running a multinational corporation worth billions. As her love for this blue-eyed beauty grew she let herself be sucked in, believing her words, believing the world needed to be cleansed, believing this was her new calling.

Torn between remaining on the side of the British government and her lover she chose blue eyes, content to live a new life where her actions would not be held accountable to any government. And then, one fateful night it all came crashing down, blue eyes killed by her MI6 lover, the Widow vowing revenge, vowing to rip the heart out of the one she once loved who had taken everything from her with one single bullet.

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Nicole handed the keys to Ros. "You go ahead, I'll join you shortly."

Turning, she began walking across the gravel area toward the river, her mind churning. "Nicole wait," Waverly called out, struggling to catch up. "What's wrong?"

"The pieces don't fit together," she said, as Waverly came alongside. "How did she know?"

"Who? Know what? Nicole, slow down."

"We haven't been together for six years. So, how did she know?"

"I never mentioned you to anyone. I promise."

Nicole stopped suddenly, turning to face Waverly. "No, no, I'm not accusing you. You should never have been there, on that island, caught up in my life, but you were. Why?"

"I...I don't know. I got an invite to a magazine launch, last minute. Nigel didn't have time to do his usual security checks."

"Who? Who sent you the invite?"

"Err, I'm not sure," Waverly replied. "I think her name was Cleo."

"Clanton. Was it Clanton?" Nicole pressed.

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