Chapter 32

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Hearing M was the second best voice she had heard in weeks after Xavier outside the prison van. "I owe my life to Waverly," she said, as she raised the back of her hospital bed a little higher. "Not a bad shot. I've suggested she attend one of our training days."

"You're training her?" Nicole said, a little put out. "She doesn't like guns."

"A useful precaution."

"How is she?"

"Coping. It will be a shock when she finds out the truth. She really does love you. Or, should that be did given your current status."

"Hoping does."

"She wears your ring."

Nicole already knew, spotting it on her finger in press photos for the launch of the magazine. There had also been a short interview on a daily talk show, Waverly sounding confident as she explained the concept behind Womenly, playing with the ring as she spoke, looking as stunning as ever. Her father had increased security, a permanent bodyguard accompanied her everywhere, along with a new driver, both highly trained, both ready to take out anyone who even looked at Waverly in a strange way.

"What's the plan for Sydney?" Nicole said, not wanting to dwell too long on home.

"Surveillance, for now."

"What's the point of going, if we can't do anything?" Xavier said, about to eat a slice of toast.

"All in good time. The members of Five Eyes are aware."

"What's their target?" Nicole asked, watching Xavier demolish the toast.

"J will fill you in on the details. You do not interfere, no matter what happens. Do you understand?"

The call ended, Nicole and Xavier waited for J to outline the attack. "Schools. Petra Blankova disappeared from her home two weeks ago, last known whereabouts Singapore, although not confirmed."

"Schools," Nicole repeated. "They're targeting children."

"Specific schools where specific children attend."

"What has this got to do with the Widow?"

"It appears she is currently residing close to one of the schools, at a shoreline property. Presumably to assist Blankova in her activities, possibly to aid her escape."

"And, our counterparts in Australia are going to let them waltz in, blow up schools, endanger the lives of countless children."

"Almost. The two schools in question have been alerted of a potential attack. Precautions will have been taken, including the removal of those children who are most likely to be the targets."

"And, the other children?" Nicole pressed.

"This is not our call," J replied. "We shouldn't even be there."

"So, we sit back and watch kids die."

J closed his laptop. "This is not a moment for sentimentality. If you are not prepared to follow orders I suggest you remain here."

With that J marched off, leaving the pair looking at each other. "He's missing his partner," Xavier said, once J was out of hearing range. "I heard him asking M to make contact with him, but M refused."


"No idea. To protect us, to protect him. M does things her way."

"I've never seen J like this."

"He's soft on the inside. He knew about the bombings remember, but had to accept whatever was going to happen."

"I can't. We're dealing with children here."

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