Chapter 35

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The Prime Minister closed the door to her residence, removing her shoes, pouring herself a large gin. She waited for Margot Clanton to answer, staring out the window of Ten Downing Street, watching as her cat killed a bird in the garden. Hearing Margot's voice the PM was in no mood for pleasantries. "She fucked up."

"I can withhold funds if you are not satisfied with Petra's work," Margot replied. "I agree she should have stayed, finished the job she was sent to do."

"Half. Pay her half. Tell her next time I want the job done properly, otherwise she gets nothing."

"There's a rumour MI6 was involved."

"Fucking hope not," the Prime Minister snapped. "They're tarnished after London. Such a clever move blaming one of their agents and makes my job easier getting rid of M. The guy replacing her will do as I say. Now we move forward with our plans."

"I'll need a few more weeks to get everything in place."

"Are you saying you're not ready? Are you telling me after all this fucking time, you've left it to the last minute?"

"No, no, I assure you it's all in hand. It's simply a question of getting everyone's buy in. The Lucchese family are demanding a larger cut for their part that's all. I don't want to go ahead without their agreement."

"You have one week. I was chosen to lead JOSHUA, which everyone agreed to in Rome remember. They do what I say. Everyone, even the mafia, those greedy bastards. If anyone dares change their mind tell them I will send my men. Do you hear? Do you hear?"

"I am on your side. We have worked hard to get back to where we were before Calvi was murdered. His death pushed us back many years."

"I agree. And, you come to me now begging for extra time."

"It's in hand. I will sort it."

M entered her house, turning on the lights, dropping her bag in the hall, all traces of blood removed from the walls and floor, the images of that night staining her mind forever. Even in her incapacitated state, being wheeled out on a stretcher she remembered in vivid detail the red splatters across the walls of her pristine house, a sickening sight, something she never thought possible in her own home.

Holding Waverly's hand had been especially poignant, a daughter in her hour of need, not known for being overly sentimental, she found comfort in a stranger's grasp, glad to have had her there in her hour of need. She had grown accustomed to dealing with life on her own, her husband dying suddenly of a suspected heart attack, not entirely convinced by the coroner's report, knowing he had been fit and healthy until that moment.

Throwing herself into her work, she consoled herself that life carried on, that it needed her, that it needed her dispassionate approach in dealing with those who cared little about the consequences of their own actions. When Nicole arrived it was like a breath of fresh air, someone to whom she felt a connection, someone like her who wanted to do everything to the best of their ability, with a pinch of charm and a dash of cheek.

She took Nicole under her wing, watching her progress quickly, making allowances for her occasional rogue decisions in the field, invariably on her side, there for her behind the scenes defending against those who might otherwise have removed her from active service, given her propensity to do things her own way. She hated lying to Waverly, a kind of betrayal to Nicole, seeing the hope in her eyes, knowing what she knew, fearing if she revealed the truth it might scupper plans to bring down JOSHUA. A tall order given who was involved, but a fight she needed to win, even if it was her last.

M assumed when she first entered MI6 her life would be one of following the rules, doing what was best for the country, respecting the wishes of those in more powerful positions. Naïve in her assumptions, she quickly learned there were traitors in all manner of positions she least expected. The first time she met the latest Prime Minister she had her suspicions, overly ambitious, a little too dismissive of the work MI6 did, seeking to rein in M's authority, something other PM's had not sought to do. When she heard the PM was quietly seeking to change the narrative on the effectiveness of the British secret service M knew she had a problem on her hands, little realising the woman now in charge was selling out their country behind everyone's back.

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