Chapter 15

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The taste was pleasing, hints of stewed fruits heightened by mineral notes evocative of flint. "Perfect," Nicole commented, the aroma of honey and hard candy hitting her nose. "Excellent choice I must say."

"I'm glad you like it," Cleo replied, her eyes on Nicole's cleavage, a look suggesting she would happily lick any liquid from there. "I want to get to know you. I feel we have a lot in common."

"Perhaps. At least we are in agreement when it comes to champagne. You first."

Cleo dipped a finger into her drink, removing it slowly, bringing it to her mouth, letting the liquid pass her lips. "What would you like to know? I'm an open book when it comes to someone as attractive as you."

Nicole cast her eyes over Cleo's body taking in the fit of her dress, its low cut showing off what she clearly wanted to be on offer. Perfectly manicured nails, with the lightest of pink polish, not too much make-up, enough to bring out her features. Attractive yes, Nicole's type no, but that wasn't the option here. Cleo wanted her, making it known in the most obvious way to leave no doubt in Nicole's mind she was on the menu.

Placing her glass on the table, licking her lower lip, Nicole locked eyes on Cleo's, reaching over to place a hand gently on her knee, achieving the reaction she wanted. "I can see there is more than fine wine we share."

Cleo's hand shook as she placed it on top of Nicole's. "There is indeed. I have a suite upstairs, The Library, if you would like to join me. I find champagne goes to my head too quickly."

Nicole moved her hand higher, perched on the edge of the chair, catching the scent of Cleo's perfume, weighing up her options. "I'm interested, but sadly not today. You fascinate me Miss Clanton and I do want to know you better."

Cleo took Nicole's hand, bringing it to her lips, kissing the palm softly. "A shame. I could do things to you right now I would regret in the morning."

Nicole smiled. "I could do things to you I wouldn't regret. You are my type, successful yet sexy, you know your own mind which is so much more interesting between the sheets."

Cleo shuddered. "Won't you reconsider my offer? We could take a shower and explore your hidden depths. I want to get to know every part of you, with my fingers first, finding what makes you tick, and perhaps my tongue could find what makes you purr my name."

Nicole moved closer, her hand now on the top of Cleo's thigh, her thumb positioned in such a way as to leave little doubt what it would do next. Cleo's legs opened slightly, desperate to have more contact, Nicole's hot breath on her cheek, her lips within range, lusciously glossed lips ready to be consumed. "I take my time," Nicole purred. "I like the slow build and the anticipation. I find if it's rushed I don't enjoy it as much. I would savour you, tease you till..."

Cleo's eyes were now the colour of midnight, her lips parting, her breathing fast, wanting Nicole to take her right there, in that very room, regardless who might hear or see them. Her fingers found Nicole's shirt, releasing the top two buttons, slipping a hand inside, the touch of warm skin against her own more than she could bear, searching lower for a sign Nicole was as turned on as she.

Nicole's breath hitched as Cleo's hand found what she was looking for, her fingers playing over lace. "I'm...I've thought about you, what we could do together."

Nicole pulled back, knowing if she allowed Cleo to go any further she would have to make good on the tease. Better to leave Cleo hanging than let her take what no longer was hers to give. She was with Waverly and would not go with another, even if it was part of the job. There were some things she would not do, no matter what.

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