Chapter 9

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Nicole let the words sink in. Never before had M questioned her loyalty to the job, yet here she was being forced to stand down from an assignment, one she wanted, no needed for her own peace of mind, as much as Waverly's. It rubbed against her ego and her sense of professionalism, not that she would ever admit to thinking it a good idea to force information out of J on the Widow's whereabouts. All she could hope was the mission to capture the Widow and bring down JOSHUA would still be active by the time she returned. Highly probable, given the challenges involved in doing both.

Turning to leave M had one final message. "This isn't personal OOH. There will be other battles. This one is not yours."

"I need..." Nicole replied, stopping herself before she gave away her desire to rip the arms and legs from the Widow and watch her bleed to death for having dragged Waverly into her sick world.

"I understand what she means to you. The Widow. But, this needs careful handling."

The roads were busy as Nicole returned to her house, not that it mattered, giving her time to absorb her enforced holiday, wondering whether Waverly could join her. As she placed her key in the front door her phone buzzed, her father, unusual in that she hadn't spoken to him in months. Never one for using lots of words his message simply read: Cassillis Castle. Possible buyer.

The property had been on the market for some years, in need of refurbishment, not a project Nicole wanted to take on. Knowing better than to call her father, she rang her mother, glad to hear her voice. "What's this about the house?"

"Your father's been approached by someone who's interested. It would be a weight off your shoulders. I know you hate the place."

"I don't hate it."

"You love London. How's the job?"

"Good. Waverly and I-"

"Really! After all these years. How is she?"

"Good. Early days."

"I'll be in London next week. Perhaps we could do lunch, the three of us."

"I'm on leave," Nicole replied. "I'll check if we're around. Do I need go visit the old pile?"

"The agents have the keys. Entirely up to you."

"Do you know who the buyer is?" Nicole asked.

"A woman."

Nicole's gut kicked in. The property had languished unsold for years, failing to find anyone brave enough, read rich enough, foolish enough to take on the management of such an estate including all its costs. "Any name?"

"Not that I know of," her mother replied, Nicole laughing at her mother's response. "Has a website."

"No name, only a website," Nicole teased.

"One of those sites your father likes," her mother offered, Nicole stopping herself from making a cheeky comment about websites her father might like to frequent. "You know one of those comparison sites."

"Okay, now I'm confused. When is she due to see the castle?"

"You'll need to check with the agents."

"Do you still have grandmother's engagement ring?"


"Only, I may have promised it to Waverly."

Nicole heard the audible gasp from her mother. "Oh darling, really! That's wonderful. I'm so pleased for you both. I can bring it over to you if you like."

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