Chapter 5

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Two down, two to go, Nicole was beginning to enjoy herself. That is, until the door opened and six more of the Widow's bodyguards entered. She knew it was game over. Even her exceptional fighting skills were no match for a mob, taking a heavy blow to the shoulder from the boot of one of the Widow's thugs, the force of which sent her flying. Winded, a hood placed over her head, hands tied behind her back, she was dragged out to a waiting car, the destination of which she had yet to learn.

She knew it would not be a luxury hotel to which she was heading, or luxury of any kind. Rather a dingy room in a disused building on a small island on New York's East River, there to await her fate. Had the Widow known Nicole's capture had been part of MI6's plan all along she might have dispatched her sooner, disposed of the body somewhere, as she had done with other agents. In Nicole's favour was her physical appearance, appealing to the Widow's desire for beautiful women to fawn over her, make her feel like a goddess.

Xavier was waiting in the lobby of their hotel checking his watch. "We'd better get a move on. Traffic is a nightmare."

Nicole handed over her key to the receptionist, noticing her blush. "Lovely room, thank you."

"I'm glad you enjoyed your stay Miss Haught," the receptionist replied, unable to look at her.

"You really don't have to flirt with everyone," Xavier said, as they drove away from the Peninsula.

"It's the hair. And, the height. What will you be doing in Frankfurt?"

"J suggested food poisoning. I'm the distraction for you."

"Lucky you."

The flight to Germany was equally long, Nicole stretching out in First Class, catching up on her sleep. There were glamorous aspects of the job, the luxury hotels, designer clothes, fine dining in fancy restaurants, not flying economy. Then there were less glamorous aspects, the long hours spent on planes, being tied to chairs in grubby basements, the distinct possibility of being killed. It wasn't a balancing act, one glamorous aspect offsetting one less-than glamorous aspect, it was more a case of opposing sides.

She could happily see herself jetting round the world with Waverly without having to kill anyone. She could also see herself living a life where she never had to get on another plane, or kill anyone. Perhaps a cosy cottage somewhere deep in the English countryside, or a farm, living a normal, if somewhat dull existence like any other normal couple would, without the prospect of corpses littering floors as part of a future job description.

In the absence of such a lifestyle on the immediate horizon, the couple had to content themselves with sexy videos, Nicole eventually finishing hers, Waverly sending one in return. Having watched it countless times Nicole found it hard sleeping, her mind filled with Waverly's soft moans and soft whispering of her name.

Another luxury hotel, another plush room, Nicole dropped her bag on the stand, heading to the window to check the view. She always did that, always took in where she was, yet again wondering what it would be like being in this particular room with Waverly. There had been no texts since their risqué video exchanges, Nicole sending a short message to say she had arrived.

Waverly replied a few minutes later to say she had been allowed out to go to her job at one of her father's publications. She had worked hard not to be seen as having been given the position because of who she was, starting at the bottom, making her way up the ranks, doing the hours, winning the respect of colleagues. She prided herself at being the first one in and the last to leave, making sure others knew she was serious, that this wasn't some frivolous whim on her part, that she could be depended on to pull her weight, get the job done, get it done well.

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